Do college dorms get broken into a lot?
2006-07-09 23:46:53 UTC
like how safe is it to have like ur laptop (or sumthin like that) left in ur dorm while u or ur roomie is out? does stuff get stolen a lot from dorms?
164 answers:
2006-07-10 03:00:23 UTC
Being just outta college and having worked for the admissions office for a few years calling potential students I feel liek i have a good answer for you. First off, a dorm room will be as safe as you leave it. Lock your door when no one is inside, or when your roomie is sleepiung. Also, get to know the people around you in your hall, you'll make friends, somem life-long, and you'll likely be able to trust them to not steal your things; they'll also be able to notice when something is not right with your room. As far as things such as laptops, make them unique, add stickers or write your name in an inconspicuous spot so it can be identified if it is stooen. Most importantly take down serial numvers and descriptions of the expensicve things you don't want stolen. You'll most likely have to worry about theives that live in your same hall because most dorms on most campuses have locks on the external doors that close at such and such a time and non-residents can't get in without a resident ID or special key.
2006-07-10 07:23:23 UTC
Most dorms have locks on all outside doors that only the people living in the dorn have access to. Some have doors that are open to anyone during the day but lock at night. Then your individual room will have a door that also locks and that only you and your roomie have a key to. When I lived in the dorms, I only heard of one robbery in 3 years and the person that did it was someone who lived in that dorm. The person she robbed was supposedly her best friend too.

I think as long as you are careful - don't make a lot of noise on your way out about how long you're going out for etc, keep your laptop stashed under your pillow or bed while you're out, maybe even in a laptop case with a padlock on it - you should be alright. It's the same as living in your own apartment. Be a little bit cautious and you can avoid drawing attention.
2006-07-10 06:22:35 UTC
College dorms are easier than many places to break into simply because you will have Murphy, as in Murphy's Law, for a roommate.

Murphy will invite over people you don't trust.

Murphy will leave the door unlocked, or even propped open.

Murphy will borrow your stuff and forget to return it.

If you want to keep your stuff safe:

1) Live in a key-code access dorm (what they call a double-lock, so that separate security requirements are needed to get in the front door, and then into your room), if available.

2) Live on a third floor or higher - prevents people from climbing in.

3) Keep your valuables to a minimum. If you have a debit card, keep it tied to a low-balance account. You can request that your bank set up two different accounts, one that is higher balance but can be accessed only by phone and is password-protected, the other has your debit card link but can only hold $150 in it at a time. You replenish the smaller account as you need.

4) Keep your valuables out of sight. The worst place to put your book of 144 CDs is on the dresser by the door. It's better to put it under your bed or behind something, or better still to leave all your CDs at home and bring the burned copies.

5) If you have a laptop, buy a lock and lock it to your desk. These can be foiled but take a LOT of time to do. Better yet, if your campus is safe, carry it with you and don't let your backpack out of your site.

6) NEVER store anything of value in your car.

7) Make sure your rentors' insurance (or parents' homeowners insurance) covers theft from your dorm room.

Best of luck in your studies.
2006-07-10 01:09:43 UTC
I don't know about the statistics, but I will say this: a dorm ROOM is broken into far more often than a dorm. That is to say, it is an inside job most of the time. It may not be a fellow student (or it might even be your own roommate, or someone visiting her), but it is fairly easy for a visitor to be a thief. Especially in the daytime, dorms are simply open, and thieves can just walk in, pretending to be visiting one of the students.

You should have your laptop with you most of the time. If you need to leave it in the dorm, put it way in the back of the closet or under the bed, where someone walking in won't see it quickly. There is enough traffic in the hallways that a thief is going to want to hurry.

But you might also consider whether your most valuable possessions are covered on your parents' insurance policy.
2006-07-10 07:24:39 UTC
Well, to make this a more general point. You are never completely safe whether you are in the dorm or a big house in beverly hills. You don't need to be paranoid, but just take reasonable precautions. ALWAYS lock your door when you leave the room, and ask your roommates to do the same. Put valuables away, and lock up the more valuable ones. Locks made specifically for laptops are available, I use one at my work. They can be defeated with a cable cutter, but it takes time. Most thefts are crimes of opportunity, so don't give them an opportunity. One last thing, even though you didn't ask about this, when you go out, go in a group and have someone walk you home and inside even campus police. The campus police should be available for a "walking escort".
2006-07-10 08:33:31 UTC
I would think that this depends on the location of the college. I go to a college in WV and the only time stuff has been stolen from rooms was whenever people left their doors unlocked. As long as you lock your room every time you leave (and this does include just trips to the bathroom or shower), you should be ok. This is what we were advised to do by our Public Safety department on campus when we first moved into our dorms.

Oh, and make sure you write down the serial numbers on anything like laptops, microwaves, any thing like that that you take to college with you. That way, if it does get stolen, you can identify it. It also helps to put an identifying scratch on stuff--not a noticeable one, just one in a location that only someone very familliar w/ the object would know about. It's also smart to mark your books on a certain page and stuff, too. College books are expensive and most bookstores and public safety departments are good about returning them as long as you can quote identifying information to them.
2006-07-10 06:57:54 UTC
It REALLY depends on the area and how you co-exist in your dorm. Many people have already said the basics like lock your door, take your key, etc.

A little additional advice. Room with someone responsible and trustworthy. Make sure they lock the door when they leave and you aren't there. If you have a random roommate, be leery, but not suspicious. Most people who draw random roommates probably feel just like their counterpart, so talk it over and get to know your cohabitant.

As far as valuables go - jewelry should be stored somewhere safe, or at least hidden. A good place for this is your sock drawer. Not many people like going through socks, or would even think to look there for something to steal. It's wierd, but its pretty secure.

Laptops are actually pretty easy. Almost all laptops have a "security lock slot" located on the side of the computer. It looks like a little rectangular hole. Almost any office supply store will sell a reinforced steel lock with an equally strong cable attached for around 20 bucks. Purchase one of these cables. Use it to secure your laptop to your desk. This is a MAJOR theft deterrent, since these locks are very difficult to break and require much more work to get through as opposed to leaving your computer vulnerable. This accessory is a MUST BUY for any collegiate laptop owner.

Other major items, such as iPods and cellular phones are a matter of care. Keep them with you except when charging. Store them like you would jewelry. Try to situate their charging stations somewhere that you can hide them, like near your bed or drawers.

Hope this helps.
2006-07-10 07:04:05 UTC
There is a lot of variation in the level of security between dorm buildings, but they're generally pretty safe, if you take normal, common-sense precautions like locking your door when you leave (and make sure your roommate does the same) Some dorm buildings have either locks on the door to the outside or even a magnetic pass key to ride the elevator. Others depend on the locks on the individual room doors for security. Ultimately, it comes down to how careful you are with your personal property -- I wouldn't bring anything really valuable with you when you move into the dorms, though I suppose your laptop is kind of necessary. Improve your odds by getting a laptop security cable -- it attaches to the case of your laptop and allows you to leash it to your desk or other permanently-mounted fixture. It won't stop someone who's REALLY determined to steal it, but it will definitely slow them down. If you have a bicycle, get a Kryptonite lock for it and lock it to something really secure. Obviously, don't leave your wallet, money, ID or other small, pilferable items on your desk while you're away from your room. Make sure to discuss security concerns with your roommate, so you're on the same page.
2006-07-10 05:47:42 UTC
As I have worked for a University Police Department can state that proportionate to break ins to a college dorm to that of city wide housing the dorms will have a pretty high rate. Also another favorite of perps i not only the dorms, some doors left unlocked, but the vehicles also get either vandalized or burglary of vehicle.

For any University the Police Department on campus will have a stats page of break ins. Be a little leery as these are volunteer if not reported or if statistically want to ensure the campus reflects safety.
2006-07-10 04:35:27 UTC
well if you lock your door and don't advertise to everyone that you have valuables in there you should be fine. if you're worried about stuff getting stolen, then ask if there's any sort of "renters insurance" available at the dorm. We had something like that available when I was in college, so if your room was broken into, or there was a fire or something else stupid happened, then your stuff would be replaced for cheap. Ask the resident hall staff and find out. If it's not available, ask insurance companies in town if they'll provide renters insurance for your dorm room (though you'd have to get roomie on board to do that!) Good luck
2006-07-10 06:43:34 UTC
It really depends on the school and your hall mates. For example, at my school most every one keeps their doors unlocked. We have an honor code that everyone takes seriously, and so you don't have to worry about your stuff getting stolen. Most of the time if you leave your purse some where, it is either right where you left it or someone turned it in to the lost and found.

Unfortunately, most schools are not like this. There are a lot of schools where you would want to keep your door locked at all time. Talk to your RA's and other people on campus to find out what it's like. In the end, your stuff should be fine as long as the door is locked.
Prabhakar G
2006-07-10 15:01:05 UTC
Why dorms if you leave things carelessly about they are likely to sprout feet?However,outright thefts are rather rare in hostels as almost all the inmates come more or less from the same income group. If somebody is at the top among equals and likes to show off with items ike laptop etc. he better be careful. It may not be stolen but borrowed without permisson .

When that is said and done it does not mean there are no occasions when your things are taken away unceremoniously. While the inmates are normally disarmingly free with one and all there are occasionally a few who hold bcck.Thus we had one who when he came back from vacation was given box of home-made sweets by his mummy exclusively for his consumption. Normally this injunction is observed more n its breach as the goodies are shared by one and all. We had this guy who would rather not. He would usually find his trunk empties of these goods and some practical jokers would even invite him to share the goodies posting as received from somebody else. The poor fellow would be intrigued to find that they tasted just like his mother's prepatations when he was rather under the impression that no other mom could be as good a cook as his own. When he found his box empty he would know what's what and there was nothing to be done but keep quite and disist from holding back.

Such incursions displaying a spirit of camarderie are memories that life iw made up off. But the latest papers from India report some very unsavoury developments. They find that there is a growing t endency of some medical colleges at Delhi for apartheid worse than its long past African counterpart. Students from lower castes are driven to upper floors and upper casts students would not even break bread with them in the at dinner time.This has raised its ugly head recently with the proposed reservation for such backward communities in college admissioin.
2006-07-10 06:34:46 UTC
When I was in college only the people who left their dorm rooms unlocked when they left them had any problems with things coming up missing. As there is so much traffic in dorm hallways, a person would have to be a fool to try to jimmie a lock. The saddest thing is that if something does come up missing, it is usually someone you know that has taken it; strangers stick out if lurking around...your buddies do not.

Colleges are required to keep records of thefts, fires, assaults, etc. that are reported and make it available to anyone that asks. Check with Student Services to see about getting a copy of statitics at the college you are attending to see if thefts have been an issue in the past.
2006-07-10 09:47:42 UTC
All the dorms at the schools I went to, if you didn't live there you had to be buzzed in or be w/ someone who lived there.

My friends never had any problems with theft. I would assume most of dorm theft comes from roomies since they are the ones with keys. If i were you and i were worried about it, i would go to wally world and get a safe to put some of your valuables in. they have good ones that are reasonably priced and should work for your purpose.
2006-07-10 09:39:55 UTC
I know it sounds obvious but not if you keep your door locked. You would be surprised the number of students that don't lock their doors. There were a lot of break-ins when I was in college, but the people left their doors open. There were never any cases of the lock being broken to get into a room. In the monthly police reports they would write what was stolen and at the end of the paragraph it would always say "no forced entry, unlocked door" My room was never broken into because I locked my door even if I was getting in the shower. So play it safe and always lock your door even if your just going to the bathroom.

I guess it depends on the school too.
2006-07-10 09:33:54 UTC
Prob. depends on the college and dorm location really. There have been some dorm rooms that have had stuff stolen out of. If you have like your own room def. lock your room. If you have a roommate just make sure there trust worthy of leaving your stuff out in the open. Always lock your door though.
2006-07-10 09:03:19 UTC
Not as much broken in to, but walked into. Always make sure your door is locked when you leave, even for just a minute. I lived in a dorm room for two years. Never had my room broken in to, but did have stuff stolen when me or my roommate left the door open and went next door or somewhere else. Also we decided to put our keys, watches and valuables in the refrigerator.

Nothing ever got stolen out of there.
2006-07-10 06:53:12 UTC
If you're worried about your laptop being taken there is a small hole on the side of your laptop and there are special locks that are fit to go into the whole and cannot be taken out unless you have the password. There is also a wire attached to it so you can wrap it around your desk leg or something. I have one and it works. I go to school in ATL and I had a few friends who had their stuff stolen. But as long as you lock up everything and take the key with you, you should be fine.
2006-07-10 06:28:15 UTC
Hello P.I.P

As you probably know most crimes on campuses are initiated as a result of a known or a visible temptation. If your laptop is visible and accessible to the passing dormitory residents you will probably at some point have a problem.

As another stated though quite often the crime stats are varied from state to state county to county, city to city. An easy option is to place a locker of some sort in the room and lock things away that are easy targets of thieves. This isn't going stop a determined thief but will slow them down and in most cases deter a would be incident. I hope you do well in school, have fun and stay safe and always alert to your surroundings!!!
2006-07-10 21:07:32 UTC
yes, they do. some more than others. but just remember if you're going to be away from your dorm room for an extended period of time, lock the door. and don't leave your door open if you're going down the hall to visit a friend or use the bathroom or something. also, if you have guests (especially if they're people you've just met), stay in the room with them at all times or maybe find somewhere else to hang out...because that's usually how a lot of things get stolen...people are visiting and they see something and they take it while they're there.
Trish J
2006-07-10 21:30:24 UTC
Not usually. Most of the times what happens if people are socializing out in the common room or just in the room next door and leave their door open or unlocked. Dorms are high traffic areas so someone walking by and into or out of a room isn't going to get noticed.

However a lot of stuff does get stolen in the laundry room.
2006-07-10 15:50:19 UTC
Do dorms get broken into a lot? No. A lot of students don't want to visit. They stay in the dorm and study. They know everybody in the dorm and know who belongs there or not. If you are gone a lot the others know who should be in there or not.

One call from them and student security is right there. Have a nice college time.
loving 40+
2006-07-10 12:12:22 UTC
all of the time; check with your campus police department and read your school's newspaper. these publications usually list incidents that have happened on and around the campus.

many dorms now have the electronic key cards for entry to the building and individual room, and the doors lock automatically upon closing however, if there's a will there's a way. many students have things stolen from their rooms because they carelessly left windows or doors open, their belongings are stolen by people they know or that their roomate knows, when they entertain in their rooms, or during move in/out periods.

take precaution and responsibility, and put your valuables away, better yet lock them away. if you can put a lock on your closet door, then invest in a good lock. better still, insure your televisions, computers, stereos, and other pricey electronics if most of the things you bring with you. if you can put a keycard lock on your bedroom door (as some campuses allow), and don't mind paying the extra couple of hundred dollars it will cost, do it. additionally, keep track of receipts, serial numbers and invest in an engraving pen or a sharp edge tool that will allow you to identify your items by scratching or engraving your name on them.

while you're securing your physical possessions, don't forget to secure your personal information. do not leave material lying around that has your name, address, or any other identifying information on it.
2006-07-10 10:56:19 UTC
I go to school at the University of Maine and our dorms are relitivley safe. 99% of the time when i was in my dorm i would just leave our door open and go hang out with other people in our dorm and nothing was ever stolen. But our doors have a key card access, so when we shut our door it would lock automatically and then we would have the use a card(like a hotel key)with a pin number to get back in.
Big Daddy R
2006-07-10 09:23:59 UTC
depends on the campus and the dorm I have been to three colleges and never heard of this

UNLESS you have a stupid roommate who does not like to take their key and leaves the door unlocked. Happens all the time people feel safe and don't lock their doors. Sry to say this but you probably should not trust who ever your roommate is at all with your valuables lock them up and take the key with you Not to make you paranoid

The most theft on campuses are crimes of opportunity. Don't leave anything open People love to steal textbooks especially at the end of the semester they sell them back for the money plus many of them have not bought the text book now they need it so just mind your surrounding
2006-07-10 05:24:11 UTC
Like most people have probably said, it depends on the college and the dorm. For instance, at my school, I never worry about someone breaking into my room. This is probably because my school is so small and rumors spread quickly about everything. But anyway, if your door and windows are locked when you're not in the room, I wouldn't worry too much about it, especially if your not on the ground floor. But, if you do worry about things being stolen, keep them out of people's view. If they don't know you have it, they won't want to steal it.
Not a Daddys Girl
2006-07-10 14:02:45 UTC
Don't take this the wrong way...

You put any large amount of people in one area, wither its to live, play, or hang out..then yes you will get something broken into and something stolen..

I would suggest that you don't leave anything that important to you just laying out on a desk or your bed or in your car that you wouldn't mind losing, and you do need to remember to lock your doors..

If you don't then you just might be inviting trouble to come to you.

Its the same about walking around at night on campus, you just don't do it when you are female, at least not alone if you can get someone else to walk with you then that is better. It is safer.....

Just remember you don't want to put a 100% trust in your roomy either, you never know who you have to share a room with and you don't know if they are cleptos either.

better to be safe than sorry.
2006-07-10 08:52:14 UTC
I don't usually have a problem with that at my college. You are more susceptible to something being stolen if you leave your door open, which a lot of people seem to do here. If your door is locked then there shouldn't be a problem with them being broken into. Our doors have deadbolts and not easy to break into. So I guess it depends on the university, and it's application of campus security. Most likely, your dorm will not get broken into.
2006-07-10 05:58:01 UTC
Wellll........I think it's not necessarily that rooms get broken into, as the fact that college students are not so careful about locking things in the first place. You might lock the door, but your roommate might not. You may just have the door open because your neighbors are coming in and out and everybody's just hanging around, or you might be slightly intoxicated and not paying the closest attention to which of the five other drunk people in your room has got his or her hands on your digital camera.

Stuff does get stolen, yes. You should have your parents list big items, like computers, on their homeowners' insurance, to cover any losses.
High On Life
2006-07-10 02:00:46 UTC
It depends on several things. The university itself (UC Santa Cruz-very likely, UC Santa Barbara-less likely), the location of your room (first floor, second, third, etc), and where your laptop and other valuables are located. If anything, get a lock for your laptop so that when you leave it in your room, it's secured to the desk (or bed, or wherever you keep it) so no one can steal it. Also, get it insured. Dorms can be very easy to break into, but like I said, it depends on what floor your room is on. First floor dorm rooms with the laptops on desks right by the window that aren't secured to the desks are obviously a lot easier to break into and to steal the laptop than sixth floor dorm rooms with the laptop secured to the desk are.
2006-07-10 21:17:35 UTC
I went to a very small private college, and we still had a large amount of thefts. The problem was that since we are so small, about 1700 residents, there aren't many security guards, so it was easy for some people to have set up things to get in to places they weren't supposed to be. The biggest thefts actually were from people who came from off campus, but there were some thefts caused by residents too, that stayed there while everyone else was home on a vacation break. So be very careful.
2006-07-11 00:13:51 UTC
It is hard to say it all depends on who you let into your dorm room, most of the time dorm rooms are broken into by people who know the person and knows what is in your dorm. you got to be real careful how you leave out something of real value out in the open. some people who might enter your dorm are out to scan what you might have just to later on break in and make a clean sweep of everything of worth you got. so before you invite, remove temptation. This might help you out some. Good Luck.
2006-07-10 09:16:44 UTC
Like the others said, it's dependent on the school and the dorm. While I was away at school, we left everything out. Laptops, PCs, DVD player, TV's, mini-fridges, etc and nothign was ever stolen. I think as long as your door is locked and completely shut, you should be alright. On the other hand, if you're flaunting all your "prized possessions" or making enemies, I wouldn't leave ANYTHING valuable unattended
2006-07-10 08:15:20 UTC
At college laptops are in a lot of danger. I'd suggest getting a lock to lock it to your desk. I've heard of desktop computers getting stolen from the 3rd floor of a building with no elevators at one of my schools so imagine how easy it would be to get a lap top.

College students are stupid (I just graduated) they think that they can get away with lots of stuff so don't over estimate how safe your stuff is. When you leave for a long break hide valuables in your closet or under your bed, not out in the open.Like your TV.

But don't be afraid, break ins are never violent or happen while you are in your room, usually it happens when you forget to lock the door or during a long break.
2006-07-10 05:32:35 UTC
Now, one cannot deny that theft is a concern at dorms, but all the dorms I was in, I never personally experienced any break-in or theft problems.

I had problems with the bathroom, as every time the baseball team lost a close one near the end of the season, they trashed the place.
2006-07-10 03:16:11 UTC
Much better to prevent it than sorry. Not all dorms are safe... and not all people can be trusted. You must keep your things properly after using it. Then always check your lockers and door especially when you're all going to leave.

Actually, it depends yet we can't know people around us. We don't know... the one you think is rich would steal your stuff. There are some who are kleptomaniac or even a real thief in your dorm.

Be careful always because once someone stole your things, you can't just judge easily.
2006-07-10 00:36:55 UTC
This is a great question.

My cousin's friend in college was being bullied so him and a few friends went into the room of the jerk and completely emptied his room as a prank. They returned all of this belongings, but it shows how easy people get away with these things. He also told me that a few of his games were stolen along with some gaming supplies. He believes that his roomate and his friends did this, and left them in a different room. So it's not just other people you should worry about, but your roomate aswell.

Get something like a suitcase with a lock (much cheaper than a safe) and put important belongings in that.
2014-09-21 04:29:17 UTC
The university itself (UC Santa Cruz-very likely, UC Santa Barbara-less likely), the location of your room (first floor, second, third, etc), and where your laptop and other valuables are located. If anything, get a lock for your laptop so that when you leave it in your room, it's secured to the desk (or bed, or wherever you keep it) so no one can steal it. Also, get it insured. Dorms can be very easy to break into, but like I said, it depends on what floor your room is on. First floor dorm rooms with the laptops on desks right by the window that aren't secured to the desks are obviously a lot easier to break into and to steal the laptop than sixth floor dorm rooms with the laptop secured to the desk are.
2006-07-10 07:23:03 UTC
You have to ask these questions of the security staff of the college you plan to attend. Usually the police (campus) Dept. will have the stats. Also ask orientation guides to tell you about room safety and what to look out for....leave your jewelry/valuables at home ......personal safety is an issue too...some colleges have an after hours escort service to get you to your room safely at night. Groups are safer at night.

Be safe by not taking anything for granted and lock your room door as well as the main dorm door as you exit and not let unauthorized people into your'd be asking for trouble and making all residents unsafe. ( Most colleges have fines for leaving or propping doors open which all residents get charged and must share the costs.....Some students visiting or not living in the dorm may come in and vandalize property that you get a charge for too...My son was a junior at a college this year in MA and left earlier in the last week since his finals ended by mid-week. He was signed out of his dorm room, but the seniors in his dorm went crazy in their celebration at the end of the week/weekend and trashed the place......$1600 damage was split 16 ways......even if you weren't there!!!!...BEWARE!!!!!)

PS: Hope this and other comments don't scare you, but be aware of your surroundings....Your parents will be the ones who will be anxious for your safety please put up with the constant questioning from them if you are ok and are things ok....

I am the same way with my sons....Luckily nothing has happened to them but they've told me of incidents on campus is 100% secure....

Good luck with your studies and KEEP SAFE!!!!!
2006-07-10 05:31:55 UTC
I never had anything stolen from a dorm, but generally speaking, any item can be taken from anyplace at anytime. It is smart to keep valuables out of open sight. The strangest place I've ever had something stolen from me was at a hospital. My daughter was born in December many years ago. Someone stole her little bundly one piece down snowsuit when I left the bed to go get her from the nursery to bring her home. "No one saw nothin''. Uh huh. Evil lurks in strange places. You just have to always be aware and wise about guarding your belongings.
2006-07-10 01:45:27 UTC
It depends a lot on the security the school has specially on each residence hall. Some residence halls have reputations of being more secure than others. If you can research this out. Also you must keep in mind that some roommates are not all trustworthy. All the suggestions i can give are, keep a close eye on your valuables, do not leave things unattended, and If you can only bring what you need. hope this helps
2014-10-26 08:39:26 UTC
Wellll........I think it's not necessarily that rooms get broken into, as the fact that college students are not so careful about locking things in the first place. You might lock the door, but your roommate might not. You may just have the door open because your neighbors are coming in and out and everybody's just hanging around, or you might be slightly intoxicated and not paying the closest attention to which of the five other drunk people in your room has got his or her hands on your digital camera.
2006-07-10 21:28:28 UTC
As long as you have renter's insurance which is very inexpensive, you don't have anything to worry about. If you don't feel comfortable leaving stuff behind, buy a small safe, keep it in your closet and lock up valuables. Your dorm room can be locked when you leave so don't worry about other people breaking in also, everyone pretty much knows each other so you don't have anything to really worry about.
2006-07-10 09:30:06 UTC
There were very few break-ins when I was in college several years ago, but I know things have changed. So, I encourage you to check out your college's crime statistics. I worked at a college for a couple of years and I know most of them keep a record of incidents from the previous years. Based upon their incident rate, you should be able to get a pretty good idea about their crime history. This should help you predict the future risk. Contact their public safety department for information or check their website. I hope this helps.
2006-07-10 05:29:20 UTC
I lived in a dorm for 6 years. I never once had my room broken into. I would think that it depends on the school and the location. Crime can happen anywhere though. My advice to you would be to by a strong box ( I think that is what it is called) you can put your jewerly and anything that small in that. Good luck with college!!!
2014-06-20 19:26:21 UTC
Unfortunately, most schools are not like this. There are a lot of schools where you would want to keep your door locked at all time. Talk to your RA's and other people on campus to find out what it's like. In the end, your stuff should be fine as long as the door is locked.
2006-07-10 15:03:17 UTC
It depends on the location, security, and economic factors. Colleges are often private, and/or communal; which makes it easy to gloss over problems. Some facts can be fudged and danced around but, yes, things get stolen a lot period.

Lock your doors and be aware of who is coming and going. Be sure to report to the proper authorities if some one you have never seen is "lurking"!!!!

Talk to you college advisor about concerns you may have, and be safe and careful!

Eat more peanut butter!
2006-07-10 14:13:45 UTC
I went to a small school in Nebraska, and had many many things stolen, from an mp3 player, to cds and dvds and digital cameras, the college said they had no responsibility for it, and I was 100% sure it had to be 1 of my 3 roomates. But there was nothing that could be done after it was all already stolen.
2006-07-10 11:36:56 UTC
I stay in the dorm on my campus, and none of my stuff or roommates stuff got stolen. But here's a tip to keep your

stuff from being taken: If you have a trunk with a lock, keep your valuables locked inside.
2006-07-10 09:03:00 UTC
As long as you both remember to lock your door when no one's there and at night it'll be fine. Another thing you can do is make sure you bring a small truck or something you can put a lock on, that way if you're really worried and not going to be there, you can store really important belongings in there and lock them up for extra safety. Most rooms will come with a deadbolt lock anyway, so just make sure they all work properly.
2006-07-10 00:54:28 UTC
There is a lot of stealing in dorms, but it is by fellow students, not outsiders. Also, most of the stealing happens because people do not lock their room when they are out. If you are away only 5 minutes, someone can dodge into your room and pick up something.
Maui No Ka Oi
2006-07-11 00:05:51 UTC
At the University of Hawaii there is some crime because the age of the kids, they're not that mature yet. There even have been some sexual assaults but the perpetrators were mostlynot right in the mind & if you pay attention & are vigilant to avoid placing yourself in bad situations. I can relate because I'm older & wiser now that I'm 45, but I was pretty wild since my high school days. But I grew up & am fine now.
2006-07-10 11:15:28 UTC
It really depends on two things - how secure your dorm building is, and how secure you make your room. If you leave your door unlocked when you leave, chances are eventually you will get something stolen, wether its siting out or not. Even if your dorm building has key access only, you'd be suprised how many college students swipe stuff from their hallmates.
2006-07-10 08:33:14 UTC
Laptops usually get stolen a lot. Dorms, probably not, if your roomie or her friends aren't stealers. DON'T leave your laptop in a library or coffee shop unattended. It will definitely get stolen because its so easy.
2006-07-10 08:08:22 UTC
Just make sure that you lock up everything. Most dorms let you put locks on your closets. If you can't, then bring a footlocker where you can keep your belongings. If you do trust your roommate, they still may have friends who are questionable. Don't ever leave out something that you wouldn't want to go missing.
2006-07-10 07:51:06 UTC
No,they dont get broken into alot. Most of the times it be your roommate friends that she have in the room when your not there but just make some ground rules when you first et there. And they shouldn't bother your stuff. But you will get tired of the noise and stuff. But its safe to bring a laptop, just have insurance on all your expensive items that is what i did. Also, dont trust everybody that you make friends with, that means your roommate too. Unless you know your roommate REAl GOOD.
2014-06-15 16:00:36 UTC
many dorms now have the electronic key cards for entry to the building and individual room, and the doors lock automatically upon closing however, if there's a will there's a way. many students have things stolen from their rooms because they carelessly left windows or doors open, their belongings are stolen by people they know or that their roomate knows, when they entertain in their rooms, or during move in/out periods.
2006-07-10 10:01:54 UTC
Well consider that you go to a school and live with a complete stranger there's no telling what a person might be capable of. Just like living at home, theft is random. Trust no one. It's not really smart to leave valuables in the open when you're not in the room.
2006-07-10 08:12:14 UTC is pretty random, but it usually doesn't happen.Most of the time when people steal out of your room, YOU ARE PRESENT. It'll be someone you've brought up and you might have stepped out and they took something. OR it might be someone your roommate brought up. However, 9 times out of 10 when you find something has been taken from you, your roommate did it.

I suggest getting a trunk with a lock or a safe so you can lock your things away if it makes you feel more comfortable. Also, password protect things like computers, so if someone does steal it, it'll be harder for them to use it.
the redcuber
2006-07-10 06:30:12 UTC
Always lock your doors when the two of you aren't in your room. Make sure your roommate does the same. Chain your stuff to your desk/floor if you truly dont want it stolen. Keep a close eye on people that come into your room. A friend of mine had his Ipod stolen three days after he bought it; he was soo pissed.
2006-07-10 06:26:35 UTC
It all just depends. After I started school, I started picking roommates for myself. This helped me to pick people that I trusted.

Yet watch out if your door is unlocked or if people on your floor know what you have, I did have $300 dollars in check fraud happen when I was in the dorms, i think it was because my door was unlocked and my checkbooks were right on my bed. This happened and I went to school in the corn fields of Illinois.

Be cautious, yet not paranoid, you will be okay!
2006-07-10 19:21:05 UTC
in my dorm, they had the doors that led from the halls to the outside-which were supposed to be closed-and they had interior locks, were alwasy opened by people at the ends at the halls. people who didn't live in the dorms constantly roaming the halls at all hours of the day and night, and then my roomie had people coming in and out all the time, regardless as to whether i was there or not. so, i'm sure that stuff would disappear, i got lucky that i had nothing worth stealing.
2006-07-10 11:49:56 UTC
You are usually fine if you lock your door. You will probably get something stolen if you leave it unlocked. But then again I lived in an all guys dorm (which was not as bad as I expected).
2006-07-10 09:19:16 UTC
the mini-apartment style dorms i stayed in had locks on the individual bedroom doors, and they were different from the locks on the main door, to prevent break-ins, theft, etc.

however, break-ins and theft occur much more often than the universities and colleges want you to know about! be safe and smart when it comes to your personal belongings. lock them in a safe while you're gone. (get a cheap mini-safe large enough to hold things like jewelry, a laptop, etc.)

remember, you may be able to trust your roomies, but can you really trust all their circles of friends who may enter/exit your dorm?
2006-07-10 18:12:19 UTC
It depends on the college, and the neighborhood that the dorm is on. But as long as you leave your door locked, your posessions are reasonably safe.

If the door is left unlocked frequently, theft becomes a lot more common.
2006-07-10 06:15:58 UTC
I didn't stay at one except for basketball camps. But from what I hear, they don't. At most schools, the people on the floors get along really well and just leave there doors opened. Of course I'm sure valuables are locked up in their desks and stuff. But really it's up to the person. If you at all question anybody, lock your door.
2006-07-10 05:58:35 UTC
I lived in a dormitory for 2 years at the very end of the 70's...theft

was not a common occurance, but then again we did not have

the electronic/computer treasure chests that people keep about

themselves now all of the time. Just be sure to use common sense...and keep all items under lock & key (or in a fire box) at

ANYTIME you are not in your room.
2006-07-10 01:55:58 UTC
I was a Graduate Resident Advisor (dorm counselor) in the early seventies.

There were hardly any thefts.

Just remember to lock your door and carry your key into the bath/shower room.
2006-07-10 21:05:14 UTC
Like, if you trust your dorm-mate and friends. I don't live in a dorm. What do I know... but I would keep my laptop in a locker in a dorm.
The Keeper
2006-07-10 18:53:57 UTC
A lot depends on the school you go to. If your school has a high crime rate I would suggest getting renters insurance to protect you valuables from being stolen. A renters policy for a student can be as cheap as 6 or 7 dollars a month.
2006-07-10 19:37:51 UTC
It depends where you are. If you leave your door unlocked or are in and out you can get a lock from most computer stores that is easy to lock and unlock. There are also insurance plans just for laptops but always backup your important documents to cd or disk once your data is gone, it's gone. Good Luck!
2006-07-10 10:09:04 UTC
dont leave your stuff hanging around. Also make sure the whole world doesn't know that you have your labtop hanging around unattended.

Dorms don't get broken in a lot. It depends on your school and how smart you are about the safety of your belongings. Get a storage chest with a lock.
2006-07-10 07:56:36 UTC
I think there pretty safe. I never had any problems with anyone breaking into my room while I was in college. I guess it all depends on the College your attending and stuff like that. And if you brag about all the stuff you have and then maybe someone would want to break into your room.
2006-07-10 06:13:15 UTC
I don't know that I'd bring anything of value to a dorm. I had a brand new car there my sophomore year, parked it WAY out in the parking lot and had a car cover on it. People would go out of their way to pull the cover off of it and it even got keyed once.
2006-07-10 20:43:43 UTC
It depends on where you are and where you are going. I really wouldn't leave the doors unlocked tell your room mate don't do it and even if people are in the room there will be people who just walk in. So yes you might wanna get like a lock for the comp and not bring items like fine jewelry to school
2006-07-10 09:38:19 UTC
not unless it's by another student. when i was in school we had to check in after a certain time every night and we had to have a key to get in. also, there were security guards all over the place. i felt pretty safe but i did hear of people sneaking in through the basement or something but just make sure you keep your door locked at all times, even when you're in there, just to be safe
2006-07-10 09:43:01 UTC
Dear Pretty in Pink,

I can only relate personal experience thru my 2 daughters ( whom attended & continue their college experience) and those of their friends. No one has experienced more than a favorite article of clothing or small donominations of cash taken from them. Most colleges have "safe locks" connected to every desk to secure your laptop. You can usually find them in the College Bookstore. Good luck & have fun on this exciting period of your life.

2006-07-10 09:15:59 UTC
I sure wouldn't advise leaving any doors open considering how LIBERALLY today's younger generations have been brought up, if at all. Apologies in advance to kids who are responsible and respectful of others and property, but far too many kids today only believe it is all about THEM, thanks to miserable or no parenting. When I was a college freshman decades ago, there was one dude who left his door open, but he also had a pet tarantula he allowed to literally walk around in his room. I don't think he was ever robbed.
my brain hurts
2006-07-10 08:20:23 UTC
If you're roommate forgets to lock the door, yes. Your door should be locked at all times, even if you're in there. And you can get a little engraved plaque to put on your laptop, in case it is stolen. Your campus bookstore should be able to help you with that.
2006-07-10 08:05:43 UTC
depends on what college you're going to, and if you've made any enimies LOL.

Actually the real person you have to worry about is your dorm mate


However, my friend got his stuff stolen (in a dorm) and he thinks it has to do with a combination of someone he don't know and his dormmate

So go figure...
2006-07-10 18:27:14 UTC
well, ****, hon, I'd definitely stash it.. I mean I wouldn't like let it sit out big as hell on top of your desk like. Your roomie might have to go down to take a wee and guess what? She's too damned lazy to lock the door and vroom!.. there goes that lil overpriced piece up in smoke! You got insurance? and hell yeah, all the dorm rats DO is steal **** off one another, man.. (where ya beeen? not to college yet it sounds like.. lol) Low-life scum rats of humanity.. those 'dorm rats' are! Hey, and I went to college in l97l-75 at MSU in E> Lansing and damn if I didn't lose small **** like (even umbrellas) in the john, out from under my friggin' desk (listening to lectures.) man, do NOT EVER take anything of true value to college, man ! If anyone tells ya different.. (hell.. where did they go?) We had a big 'l0 speed bike heist' going at MSU in the 70's. They'd take wire cutters and take the stupid things (no one saw a thing..) They'd climb up onto balconeys at 'Virgin Acres' (Campbell hell hall) and screw w/em even. I wised up after a couple of terms and took the scaggiest shittiest bike in the world w/me (one wheel wobbled, paint sucked, rustified) and no one messed w/it, man. (Beats walkin'.. could only afford a friggin' bus pass the first term.. ****, couldn't even afford food.. ate a shtload of tomato soups.) later- melan (Ask me about the pepper gas sometime..)
Ben Franklin
2006-07-10 12:47:44 UTC
I never had any problems, but I have heard of dorm room theft from time to time. As for your labtop you should buy a labtop cable lock. It is inexpensive and super easy to use. Good luck in school.
2006-07-10 09:43:05 UTC
Yes, but it also depends on what part of the country you live in. I would make sure to lock my door when you leave. and put away stuff you would not want stolen if you have room mates who leave the door wide open.

its just like how you would not leave your laptop in your car. someone might see it and break in and steal it.
Fabbie Fabulous...
2006-07-10 11:51:24 UTC
You can call the local police department and get a crime check from them. The crime check will be able to tell you when/how often things like that are reported, along with a lot of other valuable information
2006-07-10 08:00:24 UTC
YES!!! Especially at the schools I went to. Always was crazy during football games, Memorial/Labor day and other weekends that a large part of the student body spent away from their rooms.
2006-07-10 14:16:33 UTC
There is always a chance for your stuff to get broken into. Best bed is to leave the tuff you dont want stolen into a locked trunk. that is why alot of students have them.
2006-07-10 10:58:28 UTC
I suppose it depends on what College you attend and even the best Colleges once in a while have theft, but if you do a good job of locking things up you should be fine.
2006-07-10 07:35:07 UTC
Depends on the quality of the dorm. If they are, it's usually by other students, but remember that it doesn't hurt to lock your door.
2006-07-10 06:17:09 UTC
I never heard of that happening. I did hear of a dorm room burning down because of a short in a poperi pot once upon a time, though.
2006-07-10 00:27:28 UTC
Don't leave personal items out in the open if you are not using or not going to be around. Lock them away or take them with you if possible. Be very careful with your laptop, jewelry,forms of ID, and even calling cards or credit cards. My roommate had a field day with my calling card my sophomore year.
2006-07-10 19:27:05 UTC
As long as you keep the door locked at all times and hide your valuable items inside somewhere no one else would guess you will probably not loose anything valuable and have 75% of being broken into
2006-07-10 09:19:32 UTC
Great Question!!!!

I am not in collage yet but I do know that I would never leave my ID, credit cards, wallet, laptop or any of my important belongings inside a dorm!!!! I would take them with me!!!! Be Careful!!!!
2006-07-10 13:14:53 UTC
This is going to vary alot depending on where you live. When I was in college they had to post stats every year about on campus crime. You should be able to look this up for your own school.

When in doubt, get a locking trunk and keep valuables locked away.
2006-07-10 09:25:47 UTC
I say take your stuff with you and never leave something that important in you dorm room when your roommate is not there because you just cant chance it
2006-07-10 08:46:01 UTC
No. I mean college students are usually poor. So that begs the question "Why would anyone want to burglarize a college student's dorm?"
2006-07-10 08:14:26 UTC
As most have already answered, probably depends on what school you are at as well as who your roommates are. I would suggest you not leave things out that could easily sprout legs and walk away. High priority things like laptops, ipods, palms, or razrs, will walk out really quick if not put out of sight!
2006-07-10 05:26:44 UTC
On the average I would have to say probably not. However if you leave your door open to go to the bathroom or class then you are inviting trouble. Place all your valuables in your locker and put a lock on it after you use them.
2014-07-12 01:20:08 UTC
take precaution and responsibility, and put your valuables away, better yet lock them away. if you can put a lock on your closet door, then invest in a good lock. better still, insure your televisions, computers, stereos, and other pricey electronics if most of the things you bring with you. if you can put a keycard lock on your bedroom door (as some campuses allow), and don't mind paying the extra couple of hundred dollars it will cost, do it. additionally, keep track of receipts, serial numbers and invest in an engraving pen or a sharp edge tool that will allow you to identify your items by scratching or engraving your name on them.
2006-07-10 18:02:54 UTC
Not from my experience, although my laundry did get stolen from the laundry room in the dorm once.
2006-07-10 06:15:52 UTC

I go to Michigan State University and THEFT is a big problem. Be sure to lock your things up into a trunk and most importantly LOCK YOUR DOOR. I hope you have a trust worthy roomate who does not let EVERYone in and locks the door!
2016-02-10 07:50:53 UTC
4) Keep your valuables out of sight. The worst place to put your book of 144 CDs is on the dresser by the door. It's better to put it under your bed or behind something, or better still to leave all your CDs at home and bring the burned copies.
2006-07-10 12:15:35 UTC
well for the most part they don't, but it also depends on what college your at. But you can put a security system in your Dorm. anymore questions ask Brooke
2006-07-10 16:02:27 UTC
"University of California at Los Angeles have thefts every

week reported in the Daily BRUIN university newspaper.

Ninety percent of these thefts are students living inside

those same dormitories."
2006-07-10 14:55:40 UTC
Sometimes people go in and mess with your stuff and maybe take something easily portable like your iPod. It's better safe then sorry, so either hide your stuff or lock it up.
2006-07-09 23:51:53 UTC
Depends on dorm..University and proximity to people who steal...Its pretty random.

Just remember to put away your stuff well if you know people are coming over or if you know you are going to be away for a while.
2006-07-10 08:55:05 UTC
They don't get broken into often. It all depends on if you have something expensive that you are bragging about and someone wants it. Then maybe they just might try to break in and steal what they want.
2006-07-10 08:46:45 UTC
You should be just shouldn't trust anyone including your roommate because you don't know what kinda friends the roommate might have. You should lock your stuff up from everyone, if not...anything could happen.
2006-07-10 04:36:41 UTC
Some yes, some no, but take all necessary precautions to avoid such losses, especially one as valuable as a laptop.
A.K.A. D-X
2006-07-10 00:35:33 UTC
first it depends on what college it is and second it depends on who's in them if its some one people don't like then yes they do break in to alot of dorms
2006-07-10 08:54:01 UTC
i think it depands on the dorm and college or university. if its like HUGE, yah, there is more chance that the dorm is more likely to get broken into. if its small, i dont think so
2006-07-10 05:45:49 UTC
depends where you are my dear. inner city schools, large schools, state schools, schools in areas where crime is high- those factors change how safe it is to leave ur expensive shiz out and about. id buy a lap top lock (go to any store where laps are sold; best buy, officemax, staples, even walmart). also, dont leave your door unlocked/dont give out your door code to anyone- even friends! theyll understand.
2006-07-10 09:28:48 UTC
i would think so, there is always something you have someone else wants, i also heard that people don't lot there doors in the dorms, cause they all trust each other, bull crap, lock-up
2016-03-16 02:04:55 UTC
If he's bullying you, stand up to him. And honestly, if that's how to police responded, then you should have called again and reported that police. It's not his job to be a pathetic *** whole, it's his job to rectify the situation which is his job.
2006-07-10 07:52:05 UTC
It depends on the State and University.
2006-07-10 09:07:37 UTC
If it is a really crappy dorm then yes but If it is nice and is locked ALWAYS then you are fine.
2006-07-10 08:43:27 UTC
Just not to many parties and lock your windows and doors, you shoudl be golden then! But if you are really paranoid..keep your most valued things in special spots..
2006-07-10 11:37:20 UTC
As long as you keep your expensive belongings locked up when you are gone you shouldn't have any problems. Don't leave your ipod or anything just lay around.
2006-07-10 09:34:35 UTC
in the words of a Campus police officer: lock your door, lock your door, lock your door.

People only steal **** if they can easily get to it. They're not going to bust down doors to steal your iPod.
2006-07-10 09:09:12 UTC
Yup,cause kids to darnedest things.Also look out for people with big pupils that are moving to fast.These fast people will steal your stuff...tom science
2006-07-10 08:28:19 UTC
you should be able to get information from the public saftey department on the number of thefts and other crimes for your campus. they keep track of that sort of thing. i lived on campus for 5 years and the worst that ever happened to me was roommates borrowing stuff and never giving it back.
2006-07-10 20:14:57 UTC
Things get stolen alot. food, nic nacs, broken items too like corner shelf etc.
2006-07-10 17:22:42 UTC
each college or university should have a list of crime rates that occur in the college or university, so try finding out from them
2006-07-10 11:39:41 UTC
Depends. The university my hubbie works for has a low crime rate, but if you leave your room unlocked...
2006-07-10 00:35:14 UTC
Mostly it's from leaving the doors unlocked and such, though sometimes people will break in.
2006-07-10 10:50:42 UTC
hahaha idn i just need points lol but if you r like a rich person and ppl know u have good stuff then they will try to break in but i though they have security...
2006-07-10 10:36:34 UTC
i don't believe dorms are safe at all, but becaue they uually have their own safety staff many of the crimes are not reported
2006-07-10 06:29:54 UTC
College students = Poor, so yes.
2014-06-28 18:12:53 UTC
while you're securing your physical possessions, don't forget to secure your personal information. do not leave material lying around that has your name, address, or any other identifying information on it.
2006-07-10 16:44:54 UTC
well not really if you always have you room locked and if you hide the things that you don't wont stolen
2006-07-10 06:11:32 UTC
yes, becareful. sometimes your roomie invites people over or worse, someone else has the key!
Damun Schwule
2006-07-10 18:28:49 UTC
Yep. It's sad but true. Trust no one - not even your roommate.
2006-07-10 00:21:29 UTC
pretty safe as long as you arent asking for trouble.. dont have valueables just sitting around carelessly ya knwo? then you will be ok
2006-07-10 23:09:14 UTC
Yeah, If you leave your door unlocked.

You should be able to trust your roommates.
double v
2006-07-10 23:25:29 UTC
I hope not, often you have a roomate and everyone can be trusted, If someone sees something they want they may take it.
2006-07-10 02:21:32 UTC

so, for any valuables keep it safe in the undetectable place.
2006-07-10 09:12:27 UTC
Yes, I think I't would be easy to get into own
cute gal
2006-07-10 04:01:37 UTC
yes never leave ne thing in ur orm alone its not only ur roomate but any one can stael it
2006-07-10 01:43:05 UTC
make sure you lock your doors when you leave and you can lock your computer in your closet or hide it when you leave the room... put it under your mattress when your not in the room!
2006-07-10 22:19:08 UTC
2006-07-10 15:52:34 UTC
if u leave it unlocked and go away for a while. it also depends on the neighborhood it is in.
2006-07-10 00:30:34 UTC
Precious stuffs, lock them or carry them with you.
2006-07-10 06:00:39 UTC
if you're nervous about it i wouldn't leave it alone but in general theft is pretty rare on campus
2006-07-10 17:59:34 UTC
It can. Be careful who you invite in, and always lock it up!
2006-07-10 11:17:43 UTC
not to steal things but to catch me with my pants down, yes.
2006-07-10 09:09:29 UTC
nope not really, just remember to lock your door, and your connecting bathroom door if you have one
2006-07-10 17:07:28 UTC
depends what school it is. my school's cool about it. people usually dont ever lock their doors.
2006-07-10 08:32:17 UTC
I am worried about the same thing.
♥♫Music Mist♫♥
2006-07-10 00:32:44 UTC
depends which collage you are in some get hit and others dont.
2006-07-10 21:56:34 UTC
they are pretty safe, but always lock your door when you leave. just in case.
2006-07-10 07:55:31 UTC
Uh....not sure. It happens once in a while, but its not something you should worry about!!! :) -Ash
2006-07-10 21:20:07 UTC
i dont think so, my friend's stuff is never missing
2006-07-10 21:20:23 UTC
oooh yeah
2006-07-10 07:40:09 UTC
I would just be careful
2006-07-10 04:22:59 UTC
I guess not, but don't risk it if you're a freshman.
2006-07-10 09:33:13 UTC
2006-07-10 11:38:31 UTC
pretty safe
2006-07-10 10:41:54 UTC
depends on where you go to school.
2006-07-10 02:29:47 UTC
yes a whole ******* crapoload
2006-07-10 18:30:07 UTC
Not safe at all.
ryan g
2006-07-10 23:15:24 UTC
my college dorm was stolen. yes, the whole dorm.

i dunno what to do with my life now.
2006-07-10 07:56:41 UTC
oh yeah they do
2006-07-10 20:50:04 UTC
Yes all the time be very afraid!!!!!!!!!
2006-07-10 19:24:29 UTC
not really
2006-07-10 06:30:11 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.