I want to do a Course but I dont know where to start.?
2008-07-28 09:15:03 UTC
Something I can work on when I come home from work that will better me in the future. Where do I start?
Ten answers:
2008-07-28 11:49:48 UTC
Do you want a hobby or a serious course.

You need to ask yourself if you want to do a vocational course or a non-vocational course. You may also find it illuminating to sit down with a blank piece of paper and brain storm your ideas. Put down your goals, likes and dislikes. Once you have about twenty items write a note next to each enlarging on the idea.

You will at this stage already be able to identify ideas that are more thrilling than others. Choose your top three ideas and write as much as you can on each. One of the topics will flow more easily than the other two. You may find you have your special interest.

Once you know your special interest choose either a vocational or non-vocational course. Some courses need to be taught and this may mean attending your local college. Other courses are available as on line or via home study.

Link :
2014-10-05 06:38:34 UTC
The main problem of almost every trader is the thoughts that trading is game or it's easy money. Before profitable trading you should learn a lot about this field. So, even don't try to trade with real money. You can learn how to make real money from this course ( ) Second, you should choose the right broker. There are some brokers that plays against their own clients. So, your main goal - find good broker. Third, yo can generate more profits with automated trading software. As you maybe know, there is a lot of different scammers on trading market so it will be hard to find really profitable trading system. That strategy brings me a lot of money every month, all thanks to the course that I posted above. Hope you will follow my recommendations, bye!
2015-01-27 18:16:16 UTC
Penny stocks are loosely categorized companies with share prices of below $5 and with market caps of under $200 million. They are sometimes referred to as "the slot machines of the equity market" because of the money involved. There may be a good place for penny stocks in the portfolio of an experienced, advanced investor, however, if you follow this guide you will learn the most efficient strategies
2016-02-17 01:05:20 UTC
Investing in the right penny stocks is one of the most lucrative ways to make money in the stock market. Learn here

Tiny companies are a great way to make a fortune off of the stock market. Every trading day one thing’s almost certain: the biggest gaining stocks are bound to be penny stocks. The profit potential of penny stocks has been turning heads for some time now.
2014-09-28 22:35:11 UTC
The desire to learn is a good step to making money online. The next step is to look for free resources that will give you the correct information that you'll need to get started. You can check out here

It gives free training on how to make money online
2016-02-14 21:14:21 UTC
If you want to make money with binary options then this detailed educational articles and strategy guides. Go here

These will teach you to efficiently trade financial assets and increase your winning probabilities. You can implement these strategies at binary options brokers. The idea is to always choose legit and reputable brokers to avoid being scammed
jessica rabbit
2008-07-28 10:04:53 UTC
depends at what level, open university seems good for most levels, or you could try your local authority, they will do an adult and community education prospectus, with lots of evening courses starting from the basics going up to university level. and they are usually very good value for money too.
Lu S
2008-07-28 12:51:27 UTC
try looking on ics's website, or even the open university who do degrees and courses that you can work on from home!
2008-07-28 09:19:46 UTC
try it's home stduy so you can do it in your owm time
2008-07-30 06:18:06 UTC

Subject: Forex Exchange - Currency Trading - Money Markets - Personal Finance & Business

Service type: education

Product type: Live Training With Traing Lab Time

Tuition: £ 750


Module 1: The Basics of Forex Trading

· An Introduction to the Forex Market

· Exchange Traded Vs. Over the Counter Markets

· The Structure of the Forex Market

· The Role of the Retail Forex Broker

· Forex Market Participants Central

Banks, Hedge Funds, and Corporations

· A Breakdown of the Forex Trading Day

· An Overview of the World's Main Currencies

· Setting Up Your Demo Forex Trading Account

Module 2: The Logistics of Forex Trading

· How to Read Currency Quotes

· Understanding Currency Rate Movements

· Understanding the Bid Ask Spread

· Placing Your First Forex Trades

· Calculating Your Position Size

· An Explanation of Pips and Fractional Pips

· How to Calculate Profits and Losses in the Forex Market

Foundation Quiz

Module 3: The Logistics of Forex Trading Continued

· Managing Leverage

· How Trading on Margin Works

· How to Calculate Your Leverage Ratio

· The Different Types of Market Orders

· How to Place a Stop Loss and Take Profit Order

· How to Place a Pending Entry Order

· How Rollover Works

· How Trade Flows Move the Forex Market

· How Capital Flows Move the Forex Market

· The Current Account and Measuring Trade Flows

· The Capital Account and Measuring Capital Flows

· The Balance of Payments

· How Interest Rates Move the Forex Market

· How to Trade the Carry Trade Strategy,

· Why the US Dollar is Still King of the Currency World

Practical and Theoretical Quiz

Module 4: Speculation Essentials

· Back Testing of Major Pairs

· Chart Patterns

· Encyclopaedia of Charting Statistics

· Candlestick Charting

· Complete Fundamental Analysis

· Technical Analysis

· Fundamentals vs. Technical’s in Forex

Forex Fundamentals Quiz

Module 5: Symphonizing the FX Trades in Real Market Situation

· The human element

· Supply and Demand

· Support and Resistance

· Calculating Volume

· Oscillator Study

· Correlation Analysis

· Dow Theory

· Elliot’s Wave

· Fibonacci studies

· Gann’s Angels

· Standard Deviation

· Time Period Moving Averages


· Stochastic Oscillator

· Relative Strength Index

Test/Quiz Profit and Loss

Module 6: Risk Strategy / Quick Tips

· Psychology of a Trader

· Profit Realization & Expectation

· How to Gain From Compound Interest

· Capital Protection

· How to Guard Your Stops

· Effective Exist Strategy

· Individual Risk Management

· Structuring Forex as a Business

Tips & Tricks of the Trade

Duration: 6 Weeks

2 hour session per week

Extra 16 hours Individual Trade Review

After Course projects/assignments and adive & help

Fee: £ 750

Extra resource, reading material & notes all inclusive.

Centrum Vesting inspiring to be the best has never, in the past missed a single opportunity to bring valuable and significantly potential life changing educational, training and mentoring and career development programmes to its audience. International Finance & Trade is a cleverly selected programme; with its unique offers and course line study programme, students not only learn great skills but also get to practice them in real life, or earn a job/career in the world’s Financial Centre right here in London and work alongside other professionals. Centrum Vesting along with carefully selected and market’s finest financial & business recruiters, provides an array of potentially relevant jobs on weekly and monthly basis.

Presently, we are launching our first pre course module in Forex trading and option trading which will further develop into Capital Markets and Asset Risk Management. There is no pre requisite for this course as it is composed from extremely basic and simplistic way and is easy for any and all to understand. This is a real life skill training and development program where student at the end of the program will be able to earn themselves a very lucrative and profitable earning or gain a suitable job/career. The first college website offering information our courses is and Although programmes launched at the moment are limited but soon we will incorporate more courses and practical exercises into the programmes along with more colleges

The foreign exchange market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is the largest financial market in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions.

· Forex market enables companies, fund managers and banks to buy and sell foreign currencies, if necessary in large amounts.

· Trading forex has the advantage of being commission free.

· Forex trading is a worldwide inter-bank market that allows buyers to be matched with sellers instantly.

· Trading Forex includes capital flows arising from trade in goods and services,

· cross-border investment and,

· loans and speculation on the future level of exchange rates.

The sums involved are very large: estimated global turnover in all currencies in April 1998 was $1,490 billion, an increase of 26 percent over the past three years. Deals are typically for amounts between $3 million and $10 million, though much larger transactions are often done.

Unlike some financial markets, the foreign exchange market has no single location - foreign exchange is not dealt across a trading floor. Instead, trading is done via telephone and computer linked between dealers in different centres and, indeed, different continents. Foreign exchange market trades 24 hours a day: 66 percent of trades involving a firm in London are transacted with a counterparty located abroad.

London is the world’s largest foreign exchange centre: average daily turnover is $637 billion. This is approximately the same as the combined level of trading in the United States, Japan and Singapore. London also benefits from its geographical location which enables firms located here to trade not only with each other and with firms based in Europe throughout the day, but also with the US and the Far East,

When banks in London begin trading at 8 am they can deal with banks in Tokyo, Hong Kong or Singapore whose trading day is just ending. From about 1 pm onwards, London banks can trade with banks in New York; before they close at 4 pm their counterparties may be in Los Angeles or San Francisco.


We are like no other institution, we educate you, mentor you on individual basis or as a part of a group. At the same time we attach great importance to the thought that our relationship will yield great quality & benefit in future, one that we can proudly bank on.

Not only we help develop your individual form of trading but also provide you with unique strategies and money management system one with which you are most comfortable with. It should also serve uniquely to your individual needs, capital investment, client exposure and business requirements. We hardly leave out anything theoretically and practically but always intend to suit you with a method that is just perfect for you and as such that can be diversified when considered necessary.

There are no age or race barriers towards learning new skills. Our ‘candidates’ include:

Accountants, financiers, consultants, advisors, lawyers, civil servants administrators/managers and all those who think attaining knowledge of Financial and Capital Markets can only be for economist or traders benefit.

Fresh out of the school and university graduates wanting to add real ‘job skills’ to their exam or degree results.

People looking to create/advance their own career opportunities by achieving our International Finance & Trade Programme Certificate from within their chosen jobs, careers or subjects.

Returning to work after having a new family member or after some illness – either brushing up rusty skills or as a basis for starting a completely new career/skill.

Women internationally strive to better themselves; knowledge about the different Capital Markets and skills to trade allows them to achieve this very rare balance between earning above average returns and still running a normal house hold.

For people willing to retire earlier and wanting to take that well deserved life in an exotic retreat and yet earning by only working few hours a day.

Individuals who are stuck in a dead end job wanting to get out and in with something lucrative and worthwhile and wanting to learn something new that only 5% of the world’s population does for a living

The aim of the course is to provide advanced instruction and knowledge of financial markets and different instruments applied. It also includes ‘financial engineering’ combined with the theory & practice of quantitative tools essential for understanding modern finance and research methodology. The taught modules provide thorough coverage of equity and bond portfolio management, interest and currency risk management, and derivative securities. The dissertation is an introduction to alternative research strategies and methodological issues, and provides training in the management and reporting of a research project in the area of finance and banking.

Why Trade in Currencies?

There are 10 major reasons why the currency market is a great place to trade:

1. You can trade to any style - strategies can be built on five-minute charts, hourly charts, daily charts or even weekly charts.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.