2010-08-14 22:20:48 UTC
and there in my school, I will not have option for group selection. I can only study 3rd group(Business group), and even there might not be computer subject too.
For extend, I am naturally smart at studies and I know I can study anything even Physics or chemistry....or even computer science, but because of my family & my older age, I needed to study as private candidates as I said above...
My question is whether if I could choose computer related degree as my Undergraduate degree(Bachelor degree).???
I needed to know whether, would colleges or universities allow me to enroll.???
For Example courses like(BSc or BS) in Computer Science.???
I know that, if I choose engineering program it would be impossible for me to enroll. I just wanted to get through Bachelor of computer science career because it is one of high paying bachelor career after engineering. I do not know much about India's education, because I am from Thailand citizen.
Sir/Madam, and if I was able to enroll what are the course would you suggest me to join.???
I am interested in computer related field. and whether could I even join(BSc IT)???
and also there are many course like BSE(CS)... is this course for engineering group??, if I choose(BSc CS) does this worth as Bachelor of computer science in world level.???
Thank you in advance ^_^
May God bless you for kind heart! :-)