Will you be a failure if you don't go to college?
2018-01-22 17:03:22 UTC
Will you be a failure if you don't go to college?
178 answers:
2018-01-22 21:49:02 UTC
I have 3 college degrees and work as a security guard making barely $400 weekly. Now, tell me more about college.
2018-01-24 15:29:30 UTC
If it makes you feel better a lot of world's newest billionaires are college dropouts. Hell even the likes of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg all were dropouts.
2018-01-24 13:48:49 UTC
2018-01-23 20:07:31 UTC
No way, however it is important to seek knowledge, be it through the internet or preferably the university of life by travelling around. If you mix the knowledge gained from the life experiences of meeting people and working hard, especially at a young age combined with enthusiasm and good manners you will likely go far.

I left school at 15, did an overland trip across Africa at 21 and then came up with a novel idea which I worked hard at and

eventually had a small company earning 150k a year with my business partner for many years. The only qualification gained to this day is driving licence! Hard work is essential along with the ability to get on with others, therefore earning respect as opposed to envy. Treat others as you would wish them to treat you and never look down on anybody however humble a job they may have.

Always remember, it is they who will promote you to success financially and are essential for the goals you wish to achieve making your life rewarding both at work and home.
2018-01-23 18:05:59 UTC
Not at all.

I've been both colleges before and dropped out. So I'm working right now.
2018-01-23 16:36:39 UTC

It's knowledge you need to be successful in life not "propaganda" masquerading as education, teaching you NOT to think for yourself.

Look at Bill Gates, dropped out of university.

Or Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1972 but dropped out after only one semester, due to lack of funds.

Contrast, those who designed the financial products which necessitated the system being guaranteed by socialist type government bailouts in 2008 actually attended university. Seems the masters of the universe, couldn't access risk accurately. One in a life time event, was there mantra. Once is all that was needed.

They certainly "acquired" the tools to advance in life! And to think anyone off the street, a halfwit could have done the same without the need to squander time and money going to university!

To be successful you need an enquiring mind, curiosity, an aptitude to think outside the box for answers to solve problems.

All education at university seems to do is turn out mindless drones. Who in order to pass say what they are taught.
2018-01-23 14:00:26 UTC
no, its what you actually do in life that counts. college will certainly help you, but its not the decisive factor
NPG Starlett
2018-01-23 08:41:51 UTC
Not necessarily, if the career you want to do (e.g., hairdressing) doesn't require college.
2018-01-22 22:26:37 UTC
Nah mate. College has literally nothing to do with sucess.
2018-01-22 20:21:34 UTC
That's what "they" want you to think.
Bond James Bond
2018-01-22 18:11:20 UTC
No.You only a failure when you go to college and can’t find your way home.
2018-01-25 11:20:03 UTC
nope........ but australia have tafe courses ..maybe you have same sort of thing there where you can study for some easier than college and seeing most people have some degree will be a good idea
2018-01-25 02:25:03 UTC
Not IMO, college just isn't for everyone
2018-01-25 01:42:39 UTC
Not at all. Not necessarily. Just work hard and smart at whatever you choose to do.
2018-01-25 01:34:49 UTC
2018-01-24 19:14:20 UTC
I don’t wanna out you down but nowadays most of the good jobs require it
2018-01-24 12:22:12 UTC
One of my college professors along these lines said their are plenty of plumbers and electricians who make over $100,000 a yr but oftentimes people don't take those types of work because society stresses and presses college like its the only answer.

The combination of college savings accounts, teachers and counselors pushing college, and college advertisements all come full circle and guide people into college even if they don't know what they want to do with their life.
2018-01-24 01:15:19 UTC
Of course not, college isn't for everyone. However it can help you long term.
2018-01-23 15:27:04 UTC
Not necessarily. But if you don't go to College you definitely will not have wasted your money and time on a College Education.
2018-01-23 13:30:33 UTC
Not everyone's personal interests and strong points lead them to college.

I am a major believer in higher education. This can include trade school with hands on learning approaches, certification classes in specific fields and yes...of course college, both in class and online depending on the learner.

The point isn't to have a college degree. The point is to be well educated in a field that interests you and taps into your natural skills. College is only one method.
2018-01-23 12:15:06 UTC
College has absolutely nothing to do with success it's simply a tool that can be utilized towards whatever you're trying to find success in. Compared to most vocational schools college is an absolute joke, in college your success is based off of general education where as vocational/trade schools your success is based off of actually being good at your craft.
2018-01-23 12:00:13 UTC
Is not happed in my college career
2018-01-23 03:37:37 UTC
There are many jobs that you can get that don't require so many diplomas, degrees etc.
2018-01-23 02:34:23 UTC
I am a failure since I am a freak. I find no meaning in life.
2018-01-22 23:36:39 UTC
It would probably help.
The First Dragon
2018-01-22 22:23:01 UTC
Not anymore. College is not what it used to be.
Vinegar Taster
2018-01-22 22:14:44 UTC
I'm a failure , and I went to college .
Donnie Doom
2018-01-22 21:02:10 UTC
You're more likely to be a failure if you do go college.
2018-01-22 20:38:04 UTC
2018-01-22 20:35:14 UTC
College doesn't necessarily equate to success.
2018-01-29 01:40:17 UTC
No, college isn't always for everyone, however it does help. You just can't give up in life, because they would lead to failure. That's what I think
2018-01-26 04:54:15 UTC
it's not guaranteed but it gives you a better chance of not failing
2018-01-25 21:36:12 UTC
If you have another talent that will help you pay your bills or born rich, then you don't have to go to college. As a regular person, education is the only way to succeed.
2018-01-25 00:07:34 UTC
No, you don't need college to be successful and happy.
2018-01-24 19:36:51 UTC
no,everyone don't go to college,,it's how you see yourself
2018-01-23 18:03:16 UTC
2018-01-23 15:24:36 UTC
If you're not going to college, then you should at least go to trade school. Become an electrician, chef, plumber, carpenter, welder, beautician/stylist, or work in the medical professions, hospitality, clerking/law, law enforcement, firefighting, the military, musical instrument repair, whatever. There is trucking, veterinary assistant, veterinary technician--and some of those there are at separate schools that aren't actual college.

You need to do something definite or you'll probably be working at McD's or Starbucks for the rest of your life. Costco would be a best choice if you're going straight into the workforce.

It's not good to leave high school with no plans. Community college is a good affordable place to start if you're feeling overwhelmed by the process. They are cheap but you still get people with master's and doctorate degrees teaching you, often giving you more of their time out of class, smaller class sizes at many colleges, etc. Most states give you a process where you earn your associate's degree that you can take with you directly to a 4 year state college or university. Some will help you get a degree in nursing, veterinary technician, or a partial to full bachelor's degree in teaching and education.

There are a lot of volunteerism experiences you can do in vulnerable places in the world if you're not ready to start college yet. Those can last 1-2 years and some people find they are ready to really come home and work on college when they're done. Talk to your school counselor about those.

Then there are very short programs to get your Certified Nursing degree (to become a CNA). It would be a very low-paying job, and you might get stuck there if you have children. That is a way to start to see if you'd like nursing, if you're considering that.

If you are going to go into your own small business, that is a very difficult thing to do, and for lucrative businesses it's good to go get your Bachelor's at a university with a business degree to help you learn how to handle that kind of pressure and responsibility. Not everything at college has to be "elite" but it doesn't hurt to get your universal renaissance education (liberal arts) as well and understand things that go far beyond what you'd learn in high school--very fulfilling things--in addition to a business degree for instance. If you will feel incomplete somehow with not having taken on college, then start at a community college that also has a vo-tech set of offerings too. Every voter in this country should try to learn about philosophy, civics, psychology, sociology, history, literature, mathematics, science, etc. People take college for granted and ignore the value that it has always offered--things privileged people were only able to be able to do are more available now. Don't think of it as a piece of paper, wasting these new opportunities for the working and middle classes. It is an honor and a blessing to be able to be educated in the many things those who haven't gone to college don't understand, and some, not all, of those who did go to college didn't avail themselves of. As Ben Franklin said, "The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance." That's why our nation does try to achieve post-secondary education opportunities so all of us have a chance to enjoy what life has to offer.

"If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him." Ben Franklin

Another note: people of certain classes used to DREAM of going to college. My father worked in the air force and did 2 tours in Vietnam, partly because he wanted to get his degree in computer science. In addition to that he has a desire to learn all of the many things life has to offer, and has worked for big companies making a very good living. It used to be a privilege that kept millions behind in the ability to go anywhere in life, and now college and its benefits are not just some pipe dream. College has ALWAYS cost money, and is not a racket or just a piece of paper as so many complain of here. Disgusting spoiled people can't see the value or didn't apply themselves. THE TRUTH: graduating with an Associate's or a Bachelor's degree IS the new high school diploma for most. This is no longer 1950 and your life is not like the movie Grease.
2018-01-23 13:39:20 UTC
College going has good impact.
2018-01-23 13:08:07 UTC
A lot of times you can learn what is in college online for free. Its just a piece of paper that you get. However people like to see the paper. But that doesnt mean they wont hire you because you dont have one. Also what is defined as success?
2018-01-23 11:29:40 UTC
Of course not. College doesn’t mean success for everybody. The best kind of success is the one that makes you happy. Never try to do a job that you aren’t happy with. You won’t do your best, and you won’t feel as good about yourself or your position in life. Do what you love best.
2018-01-23 10:36:38 UTC
Nope ! Taylor Swift didn't go to college, but look at her now ! She's like, "Reputation is out. Let the games begin."
2018-01-23 08:29:23 UTC
No, there are plenty of failures that went to college. ... While college will give you the credentials to get a higher paying job, most employers look for experience. You might have a four year degree with high honors, but you'll still get passed up by a community college grad with two years on the job.
2018-01-23 05:57:00 UTC
It depends on what you want to dedicate your life to. Most people think that you NEED to go to college in order to get a job and be successful but that isn't the case at all.

Tip: Dream big
2018-01-23 03:01:48 UTC
No. I've met people who didn't go and are rich as ****. Regardless of anything; you'll only be a failure if you don't assert yourself and strive for success.
2018-01-22 23:31:06 UTC
Bill Gates did not finish college. As just one example.
2018-01-22 23:05:25 UTC
No. but if you do [plan in enrolling in an institution of higher learning, get a degree where you learn a trade/career. Are you aware that a Air Conditioning Repairman earns slightly more than a teacher in some areas? Unless you want to seek a degree as a lawyer, teacher, etc, enrolled in one where you can keep your ideals and won't be 'learning' how to hate white people and capitalism which most institutions of higher learning are currently teaching....waste of a beautiful mind and money...just watch the news and see how students are turning into flakes are teaching students to seek 'safe spaces' to avoid differences of opinion, or teaching students to color to avoid other's opinions.
2018-01-22 22:06:26 UTC
David Bowie never went to college. He was very successful.
2018-01-22 20:17:37 UTC
No not Necessary there are a lot of people that dont go to College that are a Success that just go straight to work
2018-01-22 17:19:50 UTC
2018-01-22 17:11:26 UTC
You might be.
2018-01-25 08:26:16 UTC
No of course not.
2018-01-25 02:16:17 UTC
Maybe yes maybe no. Depending on your intentions. And since you sat there and asked that question. Then probably yes you will be. So go to school right now. And leave your shitty friends. They're not your friends, they're your enemies. With secret identities.
2018-01-25 02:08:20 UTC
Absolutely not
2018-01-24 21:27:08 UTC
Only too your mother and father.
2018-01-24 18:25:03 UTC
One thing I know for sure is you will be a lot less in debt.
2018-01-24 11:37:11 UTC
2018-01-24 10:12:53 UTC
No, i am not failure because college not must for success
2018-01-23 22:51:29 UTC
Anything but, college (or university over here) is now redundant. You'll get better more useful skills in the job market and not be saddled with a huge debt somewhere in the region of $60,000.
2018-01-23 21:57:40 UTC
No of course not
2018-01-23 19:01:17 UTC
I went to college and now I am on long term benefit. So?🤔
2018-01-23 16:36:46 UTC
no but you will not start out with thousands of dollars of debt from student loans for classes on Global Warming or Gym witch will not help you in the future
2018-01-23 16:34:22 UTC
No and u won't be a failure if u didn't make money and u won't be a failure if u didn't get a job and same with a girlfriend or wife or a kid. Just because u don't do what's expected from society or if u don't do what people want u to do doesn't mean your a failure but if u want to do something with your life is in get a job and u couldn't get that job then that's a failure but u can try again can't u and if u want to go to university but u can't because u haven't got the grades u will have to work for it and if u fail u try again and if u don't want to go to college don't go and do what u want to do
2018-01-23 10:09:34 UTC
Not at my stage in life! At 71 I have done a lot of things in life.
2018-01-23 05:51:33 UTC
No. There are many other areas of life you can do well in. Besides, more than 75% of people who complete college/ Uni do not get jobs in the field they have studied. Learn a trade instead, pay is better and always need good Tradespeople.
2018-01-22 22:19:48 UTC
We live in a society that puts too much emphasis on college degrees. We need trade workers we need people in vocations like plumbing and electricians and things like that. If you're not book smart or you don't like school you don't have to force yourself to go to school. I'm going to college because I want to be a teacher obviously I need to go to school for that, but as someone who is going to be a teacher I see the pros and cons of higher education. Most of higher education is a gimmick it's just a money-making scheme so don't let yourself fall into that. Do what makes you happy and what you're good at vocational schools are a really great alternative to college. My husband is an HVAC technician and owns his own business but never went to college and he makes more money than I'm going to make for the most part. Good luck
2018-01-22 19:18:29 UTC
I managed to make a million, lose it all tben make several more without the benefit of college.

My fibancial manager makes house calls.

Bill Gates has done OK as a college dropout.
2018-01-22 18:41:05 UTC're more likely to be a success...
2018-01-22 18:19:56 UTC
2018-01-22 17:40:17 UTC
2018-01-22 17:12:48 UTC
There are two reasons people fail in life: Stupidity or laziness. Neither of those have to do with going to college.
Terrence B
2018-01-25 18:31:32 UTC
We go to college to work for people who didn't go to college. Funny thing is, we think that our jobs are going to help make us as successful as they are. $153K in college debt for a BS degree, and my life is on hold from buying a house. Sure I make decent money due to my college degree, but I could've made this (and more) doing something else without college. The whole idea of college being a necessity is based on standards to meet the demand of the Industrial Revolution. Most of those jobs are now becoming obsolete as we move into the computer age. We had an IT guy where I used to work who was 20 years old and literally schooling all the IT guys with college degrees. How did he learn? He spent hours reading books he checked out at his public library and practiced on his computer. Sometimes the techs would stumble onto a programing issue and this guy would always find a solution...ALWAYS. At 20 years old!! Success is based on many factors with one being good old fashioned luck. If you want make decent money as a worker bee, then college is for you. Like Trash said above, "College has literally nothing to do with success."
Sharon S
2018-01-25 06:01:07 UTC
no not at all
2018-01-24 18:12:14 UTC
2018-01-24 16:06:36 UTC
2018-01-24 09:49:54 UTC
No, because there are many way to be success in life
2018-01-23 22:36:37 UTC
up to you
2018-01-23 21:48:54 UTC
2018-01-23 21:40:42 UTC
No college is a waste of time and money. Spare yourself the hassle and debt.
2018-01-23 20:21:06 UTC
I can't go to college and feel like a waste of life myself cuz I have no great job to live by.
2018-01-23 20:04:31 UTC
Not if you chill with chinito .
2018-01-23 19:55:35 UTC
2018-01-23 19:52:06 UTC
No. Look at people like Bill Gates and Eminem. I think Stan Lee never went.
2018-01-23 17:12:05 UTC
No. You're a failure if you don't the best with what life gives you.
2018-01-23 16:43:20 UTC
No you won't
2018-01-23 16:35:42 UTC
2018-01-23 04:48:03 UTC
I lke seeing all these people putting down college because they could not get in or they picked a major that is not employable. While it is perfectly possible to make a fine living without a college degree but it will be a lot harder.

A degree gives you a shot at the higher income jobs but is no guarantee. Many college graduates do poorly. But looking at the statistics. Your chances for a good middle class lifestyle are about 3 times better with a degree than without.
2018-01-23 01:53:19 UTC
2018-01-22 22:03:15 UTC
This is a question better asked statistically. The average income of people that did not go to college vs the average income of people that did go at least some- vs the average income of people that graduated.

Or divide it up by however you define failure.
2018-01-22 21:31:25 UTC
College is just a waste of money
2018-01-22 17:06:39 UTC
So ...................... my University degree makes me a failure ???
2018-01-27 04:05:54 UTC
No, however it doesn't hurt anyone from attending College as long as you find a job which pays you more and also you are able to live a life without struggling financially.
2018-01-25 17:55:54 UTC
No colleges are run by libtards
2018-01-25 13:36:25 UTC
Yes. You will find yourself wandering through life like many people do only to understand later on that you could've had a career in something via going to college.
2018-01-25 08:03:27 UTC
College? College is for school drop-outs. Don't you have universities in your retarded country?
2018-01-25 02:20:05 UTC
Not necessarily!
2018-01-24 06:40:34 UTC
depends on the college. Sometimes going to college makes you a failure...
2018-01-24 00:04:38 UTC
2018-01-23 22:20:44 UTC
Plainly put, no. The American dream that you go to college, get a good job, a big house, and fancy car is just that, a dream. Many people who went to school are not even working in their field. You start life off in debt with student loans. In the BIble at Matthew 5:3 it says,"Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them." So going to school and getting a good job is not going to make you happy. Its cultivating your spiritual need that is going to bring you lasting happiness. At Matthew 6:33 it says, " Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you." So if we put worshiping God first in our lives we will be successful.. You can get a trade or learn a skill that will be flexible and not take up all of your time. That way you have time to read the Bible and worship with God's people.
2018-01-23 15:49:37 UTC
Needing to ask such a Q here possibly shows you might not have had parental support while growing up which is really such a shame and especially because how you're feeling now! If you're in school still you could always talk to a school counsellor and ask them for their opinion "however" their response understandably will possibly be a yes, but obviously not on the grounds of being a failure, more to do with better career prospects. Hope that helped!
2018-01-23 14:29:49 UTC
I am not sure but maybe failure because you want to higher education then you go to college.
2018-01-23 11:10:33 UTC
The college has literally nothing to do with success.
2018-01-23 10:09:41 UTC
YES , COULD BE in life as well
2018-01-23 07:54:16 UTC
No but ,I've already been to college.

----- also noticed the other answers as well.
2018-01-23 01:48:40 UTC
2018-01-23 00:50:37 UTC

College and University degrees look nice on a wall but they don't guarantee or promise a job I have a friend she's has a University arts degree one night I video chatted her on facebook to catch up you know what? she's working at wallmart and living in a trailer not joking!

Another guy I know from High School who didn't go to college became an electrician he's paid really well gets steady work and owns his own home.
2018-01-22 23:55:41 UTC
College is not for everyone, and it's very expensive. Getting an education beyond high school is a good idea, however. More opportunities open up. Consider a trade school or a 2 year-year college to get a degree. The more education you have under your belt (along with experience) will help in the long run (especially for living expenses and income).
2018-01-22 20:31:30 UTC
No. Besides all you need is love and happiness in life, it's amazing people worry so much about Success when all you need in life is happiness.

You only live once you know.
Sean Dalt
2018-01-22 19:26:17 UTC
of course not. College isn't everything in life!
2018-01-22 17:30:31 UTC
2018-01-22 17:06:47 UTC
I know a lot of failures that have went to college.
2018-01-26 00:27:46 UTC
Absolutely not
2018-01-25 16:29:26 UTC
some one failure... went a college....!
2018-01-25 15:56:01 UTC
No of course not you can choose any career you think you might be interested in if you don't go to college that does not make you a failure you just looking for something you enjoy doing
2018-01-25 02:19:25 UTC
Not at all I know somebody that went to college and now they have a job only making 9 and hour and I know somebody else who didn’t go to college only making 24 and hour and don’t work too many days and they get paid weekly
2018-01-24 07:06:46 UTC
NO! college doesn't define your success or failure, it is your ability, determination and hard work that determines it.
2018-01-24 03:06:37 UTC
No .. I don't consider my plumber to be a failure. He never went to college, yet he earns a personal annual income of over $150,000/year, AND has his own company.
2018-01-24 02:07:04 UTC
College is not an important thing. I think everyone can achieve everything he wants without an education in the college or university. Especially, in the USA. The main thing what human can to do in his life, what's his future profession.
2018-01-23 23:53:07 UTC
2018-01-23 15:02:48 UTC
2018-01-23 13:22:15 UTC
I didn't go to college yet I have a successful career.
2018-01-23 08:26:23 UTC
a big failure if you cant apply those basics to medium and advance works -_-
2018-01-23 05:18:23 UTC
You're a failure if you give up on the way. Some people keep studying 10 years and end up with a much happier outcome than those who go to college and get a job they don't want. It's about how hard you keep pushing yourself to get where you want to be. If you're satisfied with a average part time job then go for it. It's about what you're capable of and how hard you keep working.
2018-01-23 00:34:39 UTC
Let's put it this way, whether you go to college, get your training the conventional way, with the amount of technology that continues spiraling upwards, you must be in to the MODE, of "continuing education" throughout your career. By courses, by seminars, by technical advancement training, reading, on and on, and it won't quit. You need to get training some way some how, via "traditional" education non conventional ways, and................ HARD WORK.

added, if you follow Christ and do the will of God, you will fail and succeed, but you will NOT be a "failure"
2018-01-22 20:58:49 UTC
Of course not!!!!!!
2018-01-22 20:03:50 UTC
No. College does not guarntee sucess! College only means your more educated so you can apply for the higher paying job. But there is no guarentee youll get one
2018-01-22 18:40:51 UTC
2018-01-22 17:34:14 UTC
Not if you are as lucky as Mark Zuckenberg-.-
2018-01-22 17:19:59 UTC
Not necessarily, but college can expand the options for what to do with your life
2018-01-22 17:13:53 UTC

Lots of people even left school at 14 and still became succesful in life
2018-01-22 17:05:32 UTC
No, because many people can become successful without doing to college.
2018-01-29 17:05:08 UTC
No you will not be a failure if you don't go to college. However, there are still some pros about college that can make it better than a person who doesn't go. I notice people who have college degrees get better reputation than a person who doesn't have any college education because they are looked at as being smarter or having a better work ethic. Plus when you look down the road later in your life, you might regret not going. I've meet so many older people wishing they went to college back then when they were younger. College is not necessarily needed to be successful, but put some huge thought into it. How do you want to see yourself 20 to 30 years from now In terms of education and having a career you enjoy doing.
2018-01-25 05:30:18 UTC
No lots of celebrities never went to college
2018-01-25 03:22:27 UTC
2018-01-25 01:00:57 UTC
I didn't go to college
2018-01-24 21:19:35 UTC
Definitely won't be. You'll be be better off financially in the short term without the student debt. It really depends on what you want to achieve. It's possible to start out on a career and work your way up. Later on you can add qualifications. There are plenty of other entrepreneurial activities and you can be self-taught in a any number of opportunities. We live in one of the best times for opportunities these days.
2018-01-24 18:54:07 UTC
No you can be successful with out college
Taylor B
2018-01-24 18:43:32 UTC
2018-01-24 16:40:55 UTC
Not at all
2018-01-24 10:39:14 UTC
It’s up to you to decide what failure is
2018-01-23 22:00:35 UTC
No. Take the money you would spend on a college education and invest it in your self. Start a business. The number one way to become successful and wealthy is self employment. If you need some experience, take a class in the specific skill you lack. As the Boss and Owner of the business, your past work experience does not matter. A JOB is nothing more than selling your time to an employer. Natural Law gives you a limited amount of time to sell. Limiting your income potential. Selling something else or several other peoples time gives you unlimited income potential. Just the facts. You never see a wealthy person that sells just their time. Also created multiple sources of income. Depending on one source of income is a bad financial position to be in.
2018-01-23 21:56:49 UTC
Stop being silly. No way. I didn’t go to college because of my anxiety and I’m sat at home all day.
2018-01-23 17:53:15 UTC
I think no. As there are so many great example of Noble people who were not educated in school/college.
2018-01-23 16:34:19 UTC
NO! college is just more high school . BS is bull ship, MS is more ship, PHd is piled higher and deeper. ( please change the "p" to a "t" ) thank you. LQQK at Bill Gates ,college drop out.
2018-01-23 13:07:10 UTC
No in fact for those who are not academically inclined college is a waste of time when you could be pursuing trade qualifications.We will always need plumbers, electricians etc which can be very well paid, and some people are quite happy to take mundane low skilled work with just enough money to get by.

Failure to me is pushing yourself to be a high earner in a career that leaves you unhappy in spite of the financial rewards.
Maple Fly international
2018-01-23 12:22:11 UTC
if you have a decision making power and creativity than you can achieve everything but after college you can enhance you knowledge, it means sone pe suhaga.
2018-01-23 09:10:02 UTC
No, You are not failure if u mentally confident and promised to your success
2018-01-23 06:23:46 UTC
2018-01-23 05:38:13 UTC
The most successful people are college dropouts like the richest man in the world Bill Gates
2018-01-23 02:53:50 UTC
You are never a failure in Boston...even if you smoke crack
2018-01-22 20:19:40 UTC
Yes. Dont let these grocery cashiers tell you any different
Beth Kaulitz
2018-01-27 04:46:19 UTC
Not necessarily
2018-01-25 16:37:49 UTC
only about 25% of people go to college

a fair number of these never graduate

so, most people do not fail in life even w/o school
2018-01-25 01:44:21 UTC
2018-01-25 01:36:29 UTC
No. Many people blow thousands per year on college and still can't get a job.
2018-01-25 00:00:25 UTC
Education only matters in successful Great Nations where higher education is necessary just to function as an ordinary citizen.

Case in point example of a country like that:

'Canada Ranked #1 Best Country for Education'

'Canada leads world in tertiary, college education'

'Canada's youth excel in financial literacy, study says'

'Your Kids Will Have A Better Life If You Move To Canada'

'How the Brain Benefits From Being Bilingual |'

'Intelligent Canada: our leading 21st-century communities'

'Canadians' science literacy ranks 1st among 35 countries'

'Canada leads the world in producing highly educated adults'

'How Canada became an education superpower - BBC News'

'Richer, smarter, taller: A measure of Canada from the OECD'

'10 Smartest Countries in the World and Canada Takes Top Spot'

'Science, Technology and Innovation: Canada's Competitive Advantages'

'Canada Offers International Graduates a Route to Permanent Immigration'

'More Canadians have post-secondary education than other OECD nations'

'Canadians are happier, smarter and live longer than their southern neighbors'

'Canada ranked 1st among 15 Countries With The Most Educated Workforces'

'It's better in Canada for millennials'

'Millennials Pick Canada as World's Top Country in New Survey'

'Canadian Millennials Are Very Different Compared to the Rest of the World'

'Canadian Millennials Work The Least Amount Of Hours A Week Than the Rest Of the World'

'Report: Canadians getting wealthier younger'

'Canada's middle class richest in world: report'

'Canadian millennials better off than U.S. counterparts: study'

'Life in Canada, Home of the World's Most Affluent Middle Class'

'Current generation of young Canadians wealthiest ever: federal study'

'Canadians Richer, Healthier, & More Socially Mobile Than Americans'

'Canadian millennials buying houses at younger age than their parents'

'Canadian Millennials are doing better than their US peers in wealth and jobs'

'Millionaire Cities' Abound In Canada As Household Wealth Hits Record High'

'Young Canadians outspending European, U.S. counterparts on luxury goods'

'Are 30-somethings earning more than their parents? StatsCan study says yes'

'Canadian Millennials consider themselves world explorers – As long as they travel in luxury'

'TD Economics finds more than half of Canadian millennials own homes'

'62% of millennials have started saving for retirement | Benefits Canada'

'Study Finds Canadian Millennials More Optimistic About Retirement'

'Even Vancouver's richest Millennials want homes near transit: report'

'Why marketing to millennials is different in Canada than in the U.S.'

'Millennials in big cities more likely to have no debt, save: survey'

'Canadian millennials better prepared to buy homes, says report'

'Millennials better off than their parents were | Benefits Canada'

'How Millennials are redefining Canada's luxury home market'

'House prices have made Canadian millennials wealthier'

In declining nations that lost their greatness and are now circling the drain like losers, what's the point in wasting time or money?

'Millennials are now America's largest living generation'

'The American education system is creating ignorant adults'

'Millennials Become the Biggest Generation in the U.S. Workforce'

'American Schools Are Training Kids for a World That Doesn't Exist'

'Young, Poor, and Desperate - The poverty crisis is devastating young Americans

'Survey: Parents are Clueless about the Poor Education Their Children are Receiving'

'Report Finds American Millennials Ill-Equipped for Global Workforce Competitiveness'

'The Incredible Shrinking Incomes of Young Americans'

'Broke millennials are giving up on the American dream'

'Students Are Leaving The US to Avoid Student Loan Debt'

'In U.S. and Europe, more young adults living with parents'

'Nearly 7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings'

'1 In 2 Working Americans Make Less Than $30,000 A Year'

'Millennials Make Less Money Than Their Parents at Their Age'

'The Majority of US Millennials Have $1,000 or Less in Savings'

'Half of American millennials say they'd consider leaving the US'

'Wages have fallen 43% for Millennials. No wonder they've lost hope'

'Will Millennials leave US to avoid becoming the 'chump' generation?'

'63% Of Americans Don't Have Enough Savings To Cover A $500 Emergency'

'Most Millennials Have Less Than $1,000 In Savings, Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck'

'1 out of 3 American households can no longer afford rent, food, and transportation'

'Young People Are Poorer, Jobless, and Believe That the American Dream Is Dead'

'Credit Suisse Wealth Report: There Are More Poor People In America Than China'

'Middle-class families, pillar of the American dream, are no longer in the majority, study finds'

'Study by MIT Economist: U.S. has Regressed to a Third-World Nation for Most Of Its Citizens'

'Britain is the biggest exporter of people in the EU'

'UK 'worst country for children' - and the most violent'

'UK middle class one of the smallest and poorest in Europe'

'Living standards have fallen for all but the wealthiest Britons'

'Britain and the US once ran the world. Now they're all at sea'

'British millennials 'have second worst mental wellbeing in world'

'For Britain’s devastated millennials, the cruellest of horizons: Analysis'

'Britain’s young men are falling further and further behind. Does anyone care?'

'UK household income declining at highest rate since 2011, ONS data reveals'

'The future for Britain's millennials is depressingly bleak — these key charts show why'

'A bailout for jobless millennials? For unemployed and depressed youths, job-training programs and mental-health services are more important than ever'

Only way a degree is useful to people in broken nations is if someone plans to move to a better country.

In which case, a youth is better off earning a degree in whatever superior nation they're hoping to become the lucky citizens of.

Beats the living hell out of lingering in nothing nations where everything and everyone are going down the tubes like losers.
2018-01-24 23:30:13 UTC
Feels like it, but with Cultral Marxism being taught instead of career of passion education, i think i will revert to doing it the old fashioned way by reading books and taking a college exam on it for knowledge merit in those fields to show them what i am made up of working pro-bono for the experience and gaining more credibility and reliability merit which with the degree, the recommendations from other companies getting good pressings in my experiences and knowledge to show that i know what i am doing, i will get hired for the career of my passions after all that hard work, gained hands on experience through 3 years of free service, and through my determination of not giving up being the best at my dream career.
2018-01-24 10:56:31 UTC
It helps. Where I live it has become an unnecessary, unaffordable requirement. While ignoring, talent, experience, and other skills. Believing gossip, stereotypes, and myths. Punishments for people's past. My point is businesses, including The Christian Church need to be more accountable, and stop using wh the poor was in high school against them now.
2018-01-24 00:33:58 UTC
Yes because if the economy goes south all of a sudden your job is most likely eliminated. Finding another one that pays more than the minimum wage is impossible. But if you have a degree even when there is a resesion employers will hire you but not offer you any benefits
2018-01-23 23:15:29 UTC
no, but college does help. Even a community college.

The main thing is the money that holds back people, as well as maybe distance.
2018-01-23 20:56:41 UTC
no who needs college you can get a good job by just working hard
2018-01-23 17:54:20 UTC
2018-01-23 12:31:34 UTC
Nope I doubt it
2018-01-23 07:51:51 UTC
2018-01-23 03:39:50 UTC
Absolutely not!

My father retired at the age of 32 without a college education, making just under 6 figures per year. My mother did not go to college, she makes about $80,000 per year. I tried college, twice, both times I dropped out. I am 22, and making $60,000 per year.

College doesn't determine your success or failure. There are plenty of high paying jobs that don't require an education beyond college.
2018-01-22 22:52:02 UTC
No few plumbers I know make less than 100,000 liberal arts degree 30,000 if they can get a job at all
2018-01-22 20:35:14 UTC
Yes you will.
2018-01-22 20:26:11 UTC
no you do not need college to make it in life. My AS degree was no better than walking in off the street and applying for many jobs.
2018-01-22 18:10:12 UTC
No, lots of people go to college and wind up failures, and lots of people become great successes without going to college.
2018-01-22 17:18:16 UTC
No. But there is an exponentially-larger chance of you being a failure if you don't go to college.
2018-01-22 17:15:46 UTC
No you can succeed in life without going to college. but it is easier if you go to college and get some qualifications.
2018-01-26 02:51:23 UTC
No, there are apprenticeships too. Working in the trades makes a lot of money, so no, even if you don't go to college/university, you aren't a failure. If you decide to work in the trades, you don't need a post secondary education I don't think. Or at least where I live.
2018-01-25 13:52:14 UTC
No, not at all.. . What makes you a failure is no career... unless your really hurt like a vegetable
2018-01-24 23:24:53 UTC
coollege is good
2018-01-24 03:48:17 UTC
No!! Learning and success is not in a 4 corner of a classroom .
2018-01-23 19:07:38 UTC
Obviously, you don't have to go to college because we need gas station workers
2018-01-23 16:48:02 UTC
If you didn’t go to school you would be everyone needs school education but not college in fact I hated college.
2018-01-23 06:58:44 UTC
Collage is man made thing and i don't like man made things
2018-01-22 22:23:40 UTC
no think positive

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.