Tab C
2012-01-14 13:47:27 UTC
The reasons for doing this are:
-It's Cheaper
-If I take just 13 credits one semester at community college I could get a job and actually make some money
-Closer to family and friends
-Better lifestyle(I could rent an apartment for very close to what I'm paying for my dorm, and my friends and I are going to train for a marathon this summer, so I'd continue running if I was there)
-A girl
-GPA will disappear at transfer (my GPA isn't atrocious, about a 3.1, but I know I was just unprepared first semester)
The only reason I have for staying at ISU is that it has a higher prestige. The school I am thinking of transferring to is a 4th tier school.
So how important is the prestige? Will it really matter that much in the end if I get good grades and have work experience? I'm a computer science major, and I already am in charge of maintaining a website. I also plan to do Google Summer of Code if it is announced this summer, and to continue to build my resume with more than just a school name and GPA.