Is a person more intelligent than others if they have a degree/masters?
2016-08-01 15:07:35 UTC
I work at a dental practice as a nurse and the dentists speak to us like we are below them and stupid idiots. They have all gone to university for 6 years and some have 2 degrees and masters, us nurses just have college courses and diplomas we didn't go to university. My boyfriend says they aren't cleverer than us in everything just teeth and dentistry as its what they've studied so it doesn't make them cleverer than us or make us stupid.
Opinions please.
37 answers:
Sam Spayed
2016-08-05 21:39:27 UTC
On one hand, just because person A has a university degree or two and person B does not, it doesn't mean that A is more intelligent than person B. Person B could be extremely intelligent, but did not go to university because of finances, personal goals and interests, or opportunities.

On the other hand, the level of education one achieves does have SOME correlation to intelligence. Dental school is very competitive; applicants generally need excellent test scores, so many people just don't have the ability to be admitted into dental school.

Therefore, while not being a dentist does not mean you're not extremely intelligent, being a dentist means you ARE very likely more intelligent than the average person.

Even if they ARE more intelligent than you, however, it is simply rude for the dentists in your office to treat their staff as if you are stupid idiots. That said, it may be valid for them to speak to you like you're below them, because technically, you DO work for them.
2016-08-03 20:15:55 UTC
I have a Bachelor Degree. And long time ago, I was pursuing a girl who has a master degree. And she thinks I'm less intelligent than her. Yes I know how you feel. But when I talked to her on the phone, I know she is not that smart. She didn't know the things that I know.....

In a workforce, there are some factors that make people better than you:

1. they have more EXPERIENCE, so listen more to that person

2. street smart. means you can apply what you learn. If you learn but do not know how to use it, you are just as dumb as anybody

3. they have a better connections. Especially for politicians and entrepreneurs..... if people know more people and they can work together, it means they are much better than people who have no connections. Be carefull with people with lots of connections. Do not start a war with them.....

If somebody has a PhD, it just means he knows more than you. It doesn't make that person more intelligent than you. People who succeed are the ones who can apply what they learned....
2016-08-02 03:51:06 UTC
Intelligence can get you a degree but not necessarily vice versa. The doctors may be speaking to you like that because they might have a superiority complex. Education is one of the benchmarks in life and some people do tend to get carried away with their degrees. Those same doctors might be less equipped to deal with something else in which you have more life experience. Don't stress out about it - always remember that Bill Gates dropped out of college and so did Mark Zuckerberg! Today they are among the richest people in the whole world.
2016-08-03 09:21:56 UTC
You have to possess a certain level of intelligence to achieve academically at a high level, but that doesn't mean that people who have NOT achieved at that same level are automatically unintelligent. Some are, but others may be very bright and did not earn higher degrees because of circumstances that made it difficult, inconvenient, or otherwise hard to do so.

Some dentists may know a lot more than just dentistry, bear in mind. The fact that someone chose dentistry as his or her career doesn't mean that's ALL the person knows.
2016-08-05 19:33:36 UTC
The creator of the idea the first intelligence test for children was LouisTerman at Stanford Universityof the idea about intelligence. And, it was adapted and changed and also other forms of intelligence tests were also created. But, there is still big questions about intelligence including one idea that there are seven different kinds of intelligence. However, some people also beleive that if you do well in school and in college, you are intelligent. So to your question, I have to say that if you work have at every thing you do, you are intelligent.Other people beieve if you do well with the computer, you are intelligent. Other think that if you are a good baseball or football player, you are intelligent. Good luck.
2016-08-01 20:38:44 UTC
Intelligent is something and having a degree is something else completely no relation between them.

You asked the wrong question but I know what you mean and I will give you an answer.

Any workplace wants one thing from you that is to bring them profit so they choose the one who can do that without looking at having a degree or not if you are not capable of gaining profit for the workplace they have no need for you.
2016-08-04 20:48:33 UTC
I don't know that they are necessarily more intelligent, but advanced degrees do show that someone has determination and the ability to stick with a program and see it through. In addition, since BA/BS degrees generally require courses in a variety of subjects (math, language, science, social science, arts) the people you work with really might know about a number of things besides teeth. They have likely studied art history, literature, history, political science, world languages, and more. Again, that doesn't mean they are more intelligent, but if your nursing program only required classes directly related to nursing, they could know more than you about many different subjects.
2016-08-04 23:07:47 UTC
although if they happen to have a degree that just goes to show that person in particular has a familiar understanding with that specific field of expertise and while they might be in lack of knowledge from other fields they still have the ability to learn and are willing to put in the time, and as a result with that degree, finding a career in that field should be a breeze depending on the amount of competition. so as a result having a degree shortens milestones from finding a career, but really it doesn't necessarily mean that the person is a all time genius.
Doug Freyburger
2016-08-04 14:52:18 UTC
Less intelligent people do flunk out, but that's not enough to judge by. Not all smart people get degrees.

People who get more degrees definitely worked more. But poor people work hard their entire lives.

Getting a degree is checking off requirements. Thus people who get degrees are better at finishing what they start. That's heart more than it is head.
2016-08-02 15:37:48 UTC
Not at all. Sounds to me like they are conceited. How do you measure intelligence anyway without an IQ test? He may be able to do a root canal but could he teach all subjects to a 7 year old? I have a two year trade degree and I make 2.5 times what my sister does and she has two masters. Does that make me smarter than her? Not necessarily.

Sounds to me like you work with a bunch of A$$ES.
2016-08-01 22:07:08 UTC
They are more educated but not necessarily more intelligent – those are two very different things. Plenty of VERY intelligent people never went to university. Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln never attended university, Steve Jobs dropped out of university, and Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard. George Bernard Shaw dropped out of high school! I have a Ph.D. and my attitude is that I may know more about my own subject but that doesn’t automatically mean I’m smarter than someone else. Heck, my teenagers are both much better at math than I’ll ever be. Unfortunately, many people do believe that higher education means you are “smarter” or “better” than others.

In your situation, the dentists do have more education in dentistry than you do and they probably do know more about that subject than you do. Plus they are your bosses, so they are “superior” to you in that respect – you’re the employee, they’re the employers. But they are not automatically more intelligent than you are.
2016-08-01 15:13:39 UTC
I left school when i was 15 without any qualifications(i did eventually gain half decent ones later in life) and let me tell you one thing...some of the dumbest people i know have masters degrees and some of the smartest have nothing at all.Do you think a piece of paper makes you could it possibly be if it is only one field of study.Arrogance has a lot to answer for these days,its all i am saying.
2016-08-02 12:26:02 UTC
Doubt it!!

Having a degree just means you have the mental stability to sit and take a damn test and regurgitate information for 4+ years.

I'm in school, I'm making it but I have a low C grade point avg... I'm not the smartest person in the world or even a classroom setting...but I'm not retarded either..

And that's all it is.. I can simply do book work.
2016-08-01 16:06:55 UTC
I have run across far too many PhD holders who caused me to spend a significant amount of time wondering how they managed to make it that far in life. I swear, these people were likely the ones who stuck crayons up their nose as a child and just to happened to get one stuck up there. I honestly do not know how they even graduated from High School let alone obtain a doctorate degree.
2016-08-04 18:49:37 UTC
Most are very intelligent who have masters. They get more pay and better benefits. But some geniuses don't need college to be successful. They are driven people.
2016-08-03 18:00:33 UTC
Intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with degrees.

What you are talking about is professional snobbishness.

Most professionals who act that way are merely attempting to impress people with their academic STATUS .within the professional community. This is often done in an attempt to hide their incompetence.
2016-08-02 02:32:35 UTC
I don't have nay formal qualifications and I consider myself to be more intelligent than most nerds and geeks. I am self taught too. I am street smart and book smart. My doctor is a cockalorum jerk who presumes that all his patients are stupid dumb morons.

Some people are well educated in a particular field. It doesn't mean that they are more intelligent.
2016-08-02 16:21:11 UTC
*********** Tell your Dentist boss "Nurses save Lives NOT Teeth." Dentists hire Dental Hygienist NOT Nurses?? Inform your dentist boss that Ivy league schools UPenn and Columbia have Nursing programs now. And Yale University has Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Midwife programs. Then ask can your dentist boss can they deliver a baby or prescribe medication like Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives? Then ask where is their Yale or Columbia Dentistry Degree lol.
2016-08-03 17:45:22 UTC
No because a degree means nothing. Tons of wealthy people didn't go to college or dropped out because they realized how much of a waste of time and money it was.
2016-08-02 16:06:37 UTC
That's crazy! Having a degree means that ur just have a degree! Period
2016-08-04 19:49:08 UTC
No. But they may be more impressed with themselves if they have multiple degrees and/or went to "prestigious" schools. Here's what someone told me years ago, maybe it will make you feel better:

B.S. degree = Bull ****

M.S. = More ****

Ph.D. = Piled High & Deep
2017-03-07 05:02:59 UTC
most are very intelligent who have masters... they get more pay and better benefits... but some geniuses don't need college to be successful... they are driven people...
2016-08-06 08:41:01 UTC
2016-08-06 07:17:19 UTC
Define intelligent. Technically, yes they know about medical stuffs more than u.

But there are other determinants that can measure intelligence.
2016-08-02 20:51:05 UTC
I think you know the answer to that.

Long answer: No they're not. They just feel superior because they have a paper they can hang on the wall that says they're smart.

Short answer: No, they're just jerks.
Big Mouth
2016-08-02 18:12:37 UTC
No. Don't worry about it. There are people who have graduated college who are complete morons. Nobody even knows how they made it this far in life.
2016-08-01 15:22:25 UTC
You're talking about a workplace where you do work under the dentists.

It doesn't make them better, it makes them in charge.

The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for you.
2016-08-02 13:53:09 UTC
Theres a nut on yahoo answers who claims she has many degrees but is obviously retarded asf, so no.... No would be the answer to that question.
2016-08-01 18:12:21 UTC
They are your supervisors. Unless they're endangering you/a patient or doing something else which is illegal, they're the ones who call the shots. Don't try to pull rank.
2016-08-01 15:08:46 UTC
Heck. I never went to college and can formulate a better sentence than some who are in college or have graduated.
2016-08-03 12:25:00 UTC
more educated yes but intelligent maybe not
2016-08-02 18:12:06 UTC with them but try be understanding....they always are perfectists....why do you think they would go to school for 10 years to be a dentists....
Brendan M
2016-08-02 06:13:05 UTC
Nope, less if anything
2016-08-01 16:12:26 UTC
No, they are just more educated.
Uuu Duhhh
2016-08-03 15:42:58 UTC
She has done
2016-08-06 13:27:16 UTC
2016-08-06 03:32:32 UTC
not at all....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.