Math is literally ruining my life, what can I do?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Math is literally ruining my life, what can I do?
24 answers:
2009-07-09 19:10:58 UTC
I can so help you Priscilla, but under my "mathyKathy" account. I tutor online for free, and I'm pretty good at it. Here's the link to my profile, look over my answers and see what you think.;_ylt=AgccgbOIOI.nYOsEdQK4hmDsy6IX;_ylv=3?show=zXSqPifuaa

EDIT: George Washington couldn't do math either.

EDIT 2: I promise, I won't make you cry.
2009-07-09 17:50:07 UTC
Well, I really don't know what it's like to be bad at math, but I'm in the same situation with computer science/programming- I couldn't/can't do it, and I had to copy everyone's homework (homework was a huge part of our grade), I failed 2 of 4 tests, and my final grade in the class was abysmal (although I still somehow passed, probably because of the homework).

To make a long story short, I still suck at matlab.

So what's the problem with the above statement?

= self fulfilling prophecy

I AM going to retake the course, I AM going to take the next course (1372) which isn't required for my major, and I AM going to learn at least one more programming language, it WILL help me in the long run, and IT IS within my capabilities to follow through and accomplish this, although it may take more outside help than other courses.
2009-07-09 19:38:48 UTC
I had a math problem too, and I wanted a degree in psychology, which required algebra and stats. Yucko.

You have to stop avoiding this, it only makes it worse. You have to want something bad enough to work for it. I picked up the Algebra Demystified book and some others in the series, and got myself a good tutor. I studied starting with the basics all over again, stayed after class, and passed...barely. But, I passed. You can too! Don't let this ruin your life!
2009-07-09 19:14:18 UTC
I know you said you'd burst into tears from hearing this, but it's true. You need to work your *** off to get this class. Let me explain my situation.

I made about as low as you can on the math portion of the ACT. In high school, I took the math class they gave to the special ed people, and I still made a D. Once I got to college, my idiotic adviser decided that I should go ahead and take the terminal math course. Of course I dropped that. Then I went to the non-credit course below that. I dropped that too. I went to the most basic math course at the school, and I built on it from there.

I didn't start to understand any of it until I went to my professor's office hours every day to be guided through my homework. Thankfully, I had a wonderful teacher who helped me out. I spent about two and a half hours every day at her office while I did my homework, and it paid off. I passed introduction to algebra. Then I took intermediate algebra from the same teacher, doing the same thing. I passed that. Just last term I finished my college algebra requirement.

What I'm trying to say is that with enough determination (and a good calculator) you can get through it. You just have to find a good teacher and study your *** off.

If that doesn't work, talk to your adviser. Way back in the day, my mother had about the same skills in math that you do, and her adviser pulled some strings and allowed her to take an extra science in lieu of math. I still recommend working your *** off. That C that I got in college algebra was more rewarding than the A+'s I got in any of my 4000-level English courses.
2009-07-09 17:47:19 UTC
Im with you on this one, I absolutley hate math. And I as well am really bad at it! In fact I just attempted to do that problem, the one with the 1081 in it...yeah I couldnt do that either. Dont worry some people are just terrible at math. Your NOT alone, haha :) But if you do find some way out of it I would GREATLY appreciate it if you passed along the good news to me, please! :)
2009-07-09 17:39:07 UTC
I was going to suggest law school (and just not becoming a tax attorney), but this is a little more severe than I was expecting. I wish I had something helpful to say, but all I can do is (((((((hugs))))))) and hope for you.

edit: Maybe it's some kind of psychological disorder, and the psychiatric community has something to offer you?
2009-07-09 17:35:57 UTC
well you're probably good at writing essays...
2009-07-09 23:35:37 UTC
I always seriously sucked at algebra!

I mean x - y?? C'mon! Whatthehell for??

Then I got a job working in a jewelry factory and had to have some way to lower the karat of gold and the boss gave me an algebraic equation...ARRGGHHHH!!!!!

But when he explained how it worked, all those lessons from all those years ago, just fell into place! A light went on inside my thick skull and suddenly it all made sense!





A = Weight of Alloy

G = Weight of Gold (now)

K = Karat of Gold (now)

W = Karat Wanted

Order: Stuff inside Parentheses First, then Multiplication before Division, before Addition before Subtraction

"G( " means G times whatever’s inside the parentheses.

To alloy one troy ounce of 24k gold (20 Pennyweights [dwt] per ounce) to 18k gold:










A= 6.666dwt

(If any of you math whiz's wanna check that, 18K is 75% gold

20 / .75 = 26.6666666666666666666667)
2009-07-10 00:57:05 UTC
Memorize. You and I have so much in common its a little scary. I too have a math phobia but...unfortunately I have to use some math in my job and even though I can use a calculator of sorts it still sucks. However, I just take my time. I had to do several things when I went through college. One was to talk to my math teachers/professors and explain my math duncity. They understood and many of them told me the same thing...drill. Math is a series of connections where the synapse fire and click together. Once that is established the neural pathway is set and all you have to do is refresh once in a while which I do with my daughter. She is just now learning all the math that I have memorized. I had to take several fundamentals of math courses in college or my Socieology degree. I think that's why I chose it initially as its one of the few major that doesn't require a ton of math. So, I also picked up some tips on how to memorize addition, subtraction and my multiplacation tables but the ultimate key was to rote memorize the sums. However, one tip I will share is cut it down. For instance with your sum 1031 minue 438. Well we know that you can't 8 from 1 so you have borrow so you make 1 a 10 and then 8 from leaves 2. well now you have 3 from 2 which doesn't work so you have to borrow again making it 3 from 3 which leaves 4 from 9 which is 5. However, when it comes to single sum subtraction the best thing I ever learned was to build up and add before you subtract...yes really. If you have 4 from 9 then build it up from there and add a one to make it 10. 4 from 10 is six...then you take the one back and its 5. Does that make sense? Shoot me your email address and I'll show you what I mean. I'll also send you some math moron web sites that will really help.
2009-07-10 00:04:48 UTC
I wish I had some sage advice for you, I really do. I tried everything. Even a private tutor and flash cards. nothing. I have absolutely NO mathematical ability at all. It cost me a geology degree. My mind just doesn't work like that either. Algebra is what killed me. A brick wall of utter gibberish. And to date, I have NEVER had a use for math in my life in spite of being a senior data reconciler in the clearings transit operations dept at Wells Fargo Bank with a perfect balance record. Not only that, but I was in line to be lead man at Zieman MFG in the frame dept. This ment I had to decipher blueprints and assemble trailer frames and weld them together. Math people just don't seem to understand that some have zero ability in their specialty. Try telling them your story again. maybe there is something that will let you pass without taking a class with no purpose.

Try tears.

As for me, I tried AGAIN to pass, but gave up on college altogether when they told me I HAD to take some kind of sport too. That was the last straw! I put up with the art and music as long as I could, but when faced with being forced to do some sports I quit right there on the spot.
2016-12-25 01:53:30 UTC
Chinese Swede - let God be God
2009-07-09 18:33:27 UTC


Do each of the columns one by one, from right to left: units/ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, (and ten thousands, hundred thousands...): 1, 10, 100, 1000, (and 10 000, 100 000...).

Do units first: "1 - 2" Wait! you can't subtract 2 from 1! Oh Yeah, you have some stuff in the tens column to use (80). Take 10 from there, leaving 70, and make your 1 + 10 = 11. 11-2=9 (unit number is 9)

Do tens next: "80 - 30" Wait! I took 10 off the 80, so it's now "70-30" = 40 (tens number is 4)

Do hundreds: "000 - 400" Wait! I can't subtract 400 from 0! Oh yeah, let's see if I can borrow something from the thousands column. 1000-400 = 600 (hundreds number is 6)

Do thousands: "1000-0000" Waitaminit! I already borrowed 1000 for the hundreds thingy, so my thousands column is "0000-0000" = 0 (thousands number is 0)





0649 --> 649
Skye M
2009-07-09 21:42:06 UTC
Take all other classes, talk to a counselor at the school to see if there is any way around the requirement or some place you can go for help. Explain your problem and let them know that you realize math is important but you have serious problem with it and have since as long as you can remember. They should be able to check transcripts and see you have not done well in math.
2009-07-09 18:55:49 UTC
Don't worry, I don't really like mathematics either. I love English and social sciences, but when it comes to maths you need a different approach. To do well in maths, you have to do as many examples of the questions until you get the hang of the specific topic. Don't think of it as something terrible and overwhelming, just stay calm and focus on specific topics.

Maths is heavily reliant on rote learning, meaning you have to repeat the questions until you memorize and develop a personal approach to answering the questions. English or social sciences are subjects where knowledge and learning is based on a holistic approach, where you relate a specific issue with the overall subject.

You can do maths if you put your mind to it. Just keep remembering to focus on specific topics, and getting the hang of them and then progressing onwards to harder and more complex questions.

Here's a good PDF document that gives you the basics of math that you might find helpful.

If you continue with maths, please get a maths book or textbook which has many examples and contains "worked solutions". The worked solutions are essential, as they guide you through the steps of how to solve the questions.

Good luck!
2009-07-09 17:51:27 UTC
Ok...sorry to make you burst into tears, but you need a tutor woman. You can't expect to go on like this. Just take the math classes that you're required to take, work hard, keep up a positive attitude and you'll be fine. Just reeeelllaaaxxxx. It's not as bad as it seems. And no. There's nothing you can do to make your school not make you take the math. Stop being a baby and take the damn classes. Sorry to be harsh.
2009-07-09 21:28:28 UTC

Most people including those that teach math go about it the wrong way. Math really is simple to learn, because math works with the brains way of reasoning.

I once had a friend that would have her kids come to the office she worked at. One day her 12 year old daughter was looking online for an easier was of conversion. I set down with her and in 15 minutes she became a conversion pro.
2016-04-05 08:22:14 UTC
No its not right for ur parents to punch or slap u in the face. Obviously someone needs to pull the corn cob out ur parents a** and stick titantic up their a**es instead... I have a brother in law that thinks he knows everything and is never wrong... But dnt let their bullsh** get to u... U seem like a smart kid, dnt give up being top of the class and going to college, and once u go to college and get a degree and get a good paying job, f*** ur parents, and when they call u tellin u this and that and being real nice, tell em to f*** off and go to hell. That's jus wut I wud do, and child services need to know about them slappin/punching u in the face.. Find some way to show that u got proof, trust me ur gonna need proof, and not jus a friend being in the house and sees ur parents strike u, we are talkin bout being video recorder... I've been thru that sh**, cuz of what my own father did to me and the DHS(Department of Human Services) did not believe a word I said even tho one of my sisters where there to show them I was tellin the trust and the same thing happened to her as well and he had my other sister there to testify and lie for him and sh** and needless to say they didn't believe me cuz I didn't have real proof and they jus left me in the home wit him and my mother, which she didn't believe me either, which is f***'d up and a buncha bullsh**. So my best advice is get it on video some how and take it to someone who can do something about it. Good luck and hope this helps.
2009-07-10 21:44:39 UTC
Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, just study!

There is a book I found. It is called, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Algebra, 2nd Edition."

The author, W. Michael Kelly, is really good at explaining algebra in ways that anybody can understand. I was so amazed by the book that I bought two more books from him, which are for pre-calculus(a.k.a college algebra) and calculus.

I was completely HORRIBLE at math, but thanks to those books, math is actually fun!!

Maybe you can study the algebra and precalculus books for a while, and then retake the test.
God's Special Lady
2009-07-10 12:29:13 UTC
You can always use a calculater.

I feel your pain girl I am terrible at math but great at art.

I dated someone while I was in college who was excellent in math.

They helped me through it. So I was fortunate.

Here are some Ideas barter with someone if they will help you in math.

You could clean their house or walk thier dogs or housesit their dogs or kids. Any friends or family that are gifted in it? Give them a call.
2014-09-27 15:33:35 UTC
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2009-07-09 17:41:49 UTC
Sounds like it's time to get a tutor. You cannot claim to be college educated and not be able to do simple algebra most people passed in 8th grade. No, they're not going to let you slip past without taking at least one college-level math class without documented evidence of a severe mental condition of some sort. You've been avoiding this your whole life, but if you want that degree you need to start taking this seriously. Get a tutor.
2009-07-09 17:37:37 UTC
you should really speak to a councilor, get extra tutoring, and just get help. Math is fairly easy, it is just that you have to remember the basis for it.
2009-07-09 23:05:18 UTC
ok.....i just read your question like 3 times....i am just doesnt ADD up.....hee hee
2009-07-09 17:41:46 UTC
you cant use demoivre's theorem to find the 4th roots of 18cis2pi/3?

damn, you suck.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.