No way you're a loser! As a matter of fact, you probably made the better choice then some of your friends did!
What I like about your question is that you seem to know yourself and that you're honest with yourself! If you don't think that going away would have been a good match, you're right! It wouldn't have been.
It's hard watching your friends go away, and you wonder if you shouldn't have done it too. But going away to college isn't always the best thing. Lots of people who do, wish they had stayed home for college.
I wouldn't be surprised if you got a better education in the first two years at a community college then a lot of people do if they moved away for college. When you move away, you do have to do lots of adjusting and will be VERY distracted in a dorm. Some people go away because they want to party.
If you go to cc and stay at home during the first two years of college, you'll still meet lots of new people and form friendships, but you'll also be in a better situation to develop good study habits, which is why you go to college.
After you develop good study habits and get used to the college routine, you'll also have matured more. Then when you do transfer to another college, you'll be ahead of the game! You'll have learned how to meet people and how to have fun; you'll also know how to study and to get a good education! Everyone else will have work double time to graduate.
Congratulations on your choice and good luck!