2014-05-21 11:57:28 UTC
Ecology Club: 4 years (current vice president)
Student council: 3 years ( junior year sub-secretary and senior year secretary)
National Honor society: 3 years
Current secretary
Chemistry club: 3 years and have won first place in many competitions such as the ACS and the Science Bowl.
CAF organization: 4 years ( we do many activities such as organize marathons for charity, visit hospitals and shelters etc.
I started a Book club at my school since I love to read.
I haven't taken the SAT yet ( I take it now in June) but there is a good chance I will surpass the 2000 score.
I am very involved in my school but I do not play any sports because I am just not athletic at all. But after school 3 days a week in my junior and senior year I gave and will give free tutoring sessions to anyone who needs it. Thanks if you read thisand responded