I just want to give up life.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I just want to give up life.?
100 answers:
2015-04-08 07:57:15 UTC
Never give up on life. No matter how bad it may seem. One thing that got me through hard times was thinking "Things can't get any worse, so things can only get better." I experienced a very similar thing with my parents when I was younger. I told my dad I wanted to become an actress, and he pretty much told me to grow up and reach for something attainable. My advice to you is this; It is your life. At the end of the day you are the one that has to live with your decisions and actions. Do what makes YOU happy. If singing and acting is something you feel passionate about, then do everything you can to succeed. And if you don't, well at least you will have peace of mind that you tried, and you won't spend your life wondering "What if."

I also grew up with quite a bit of family issues. Talking to someone really helped me through this. If you are seriously considering ending your life, you should seek help right away. I have personal experience with suicide, both with myself and with a close friend. I understand how you are feeling. The unhappiness you feel gets so strong that it over powers your will to live. I lived for two years like that. Where every day I would think to myself "I can't do this anymore. I can't live feeling this way anymore." I promise you it gets better. I'm 26 now, and I still struggle at times with depression, but my life is so much better now. I was prescribed anti-depressants, and although I am not big on medication, it was life changing for me. I know there are days where life just seems impossible, but think about all the people in your life and what it would do to them if you were to commit suicide.
2015-04-08 10:01:52 UTC
I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed and discouraged right now. You're at a time in life when the big decisions can feel overwhelming, but I promise that life can be a great adventure, no matter which paths you choose. (I'm much older, and while my life is not what I dreamed it would be when I was your age, it has definitely been full and happy.)

Besides your parents, do you have other mentors who can help guide and encourage you? People who know you well are often in a great position to help you identify and develop your unique gifts. Also, you mentioned hoping for a miracle - have you asked God for His help and guidance? You can't go wrong with that!

Whatever you do, I believe there's great hope for your future. Hugs & prayers!


Grammie to 2 precious girls
2015-04-08 11:34:11 UTC
I'm sorry that you're in so much pain. Let me first provide a toll-free 24/7 helpline for those who are feeling suicidal:

1-800-273-TALK (8255).

The music/theatre/entertainment industry is supposed to be especially competitive. Those who are pursuing a career in that field will most likely have to deal with a lot of rejection, which can be very wearing on one's self-esteem and self-confidence. Perhaps that's partly why your parents are so reluctant to support those career aspirations.

Please also keep in mind that you're still so young at almost 20 years of age. You're actually just starting out in life, so please try not to get discouraged and comparing yourself with your peers :)

You'd mentioned having a lot of family problems. It's a good idea to make an appointment with a licensed mental health professional to start dealing with any past or current issues. Please also schedule an appointment with your family doctor just to *rule out* certain health issues which may result in weight gain and/or hair loss, including thyroid dysfunction.

This website may have some local counseling agencies: and can type one's zip code or state of residence into search.

For those who are interested in acting/theatre and/or the music industry, this website has a link for accredited schools (though, with *no* guarantee as to finding work afterwards, and please forgo those for-profit schools): and can click "directory lists," then click "accredited institutional members" and can scroll down the page to search.
2015-04-10 12:33:29 UTC
I know sometimes your parents are wrong about things too because they're all people. By asking you to focus on your studies, they were enforcing that they want you to be successful because studying is the easiest way to succeed. But I totally understand where your coming from. If your dream even as a little girl was to be a singer or actress, and you still have that urge to be one, I think you should work hard to do what you want and with that anger you have for your parents, succeed and show them what you are capable of! I know it can be frustrating at times but just think this was an obstacle God gave you to make you into a better person! so just get over this and you'll be there!
2015-04-08 18:33:03 UTC
Just because all these things make your life worse, just think about nothing, let it all be deleted for a second and only good things are filtered into your brain. Think about the dreams you've had, wanting to become an actor. You can be whatever you like, but at the end of the day you're still you and you have to not only accept it, but embrace it. You should feel proud that you've gotten through the days of hardship. Think back to yourself, how did I survive that? Not from anything else but what kept you going. Remember what it was and you'll end up living life to the fullest, not giving a care bear to the rest of the world. Now that I've said this, I can even use this for my own advice! Just remember what kept you going.
2015-04-08 07:52:43 UTC
To be a successful singer, one that makes money at least to pay his or her bills, you have to be very good.

They are countless singers, and actors in Los Angeles. I don't know where you are – but you really do have to have a backup plan.

You are also saying something about family stress – if you were a singer, you will face with much more stress, from your manager, from your fans, even from paparazzi. How are you going to handle that, when you cannot even handle this. You need to be realistic and sensible about what you want to do.
2015-04-08 04:09:02 UTC
Your age doesn't have much to do with a singing career. It's a very good idea to focus on your studies. A career in 'singing' is very difficult to achieve. You need something else to do to support yourself until you make it. It takes more dedication than you seem to have. Everyone has family problems. If you want this dream, dig in and work at it.
Rick B
2015-04-08 03:59:04 UTC
You should get back to your education so you can start a career and support yourself.
2015-04-09 03:28:10 UTC
Dont give up your life becaause it is provided by our parents and we should let them sad
2015-04-08 05:35:05 UTC
Well, your "chance" can come through singing competitions like American Idol and The Voice. If you don't have enough confidence to try out for shows like that, then a public career like singing might not be right for you anyway. People who want something badly enough don't quit when the going gets tough. Look at Madonna -- she moved to New York, got raped, posed nude for photographers to support herself, didn't have a great voice and now she's a legend. She was persistent and never gave up on herself.
2015-04-08 21:54:34 UTC
I know sometimes your parents are wrong about things too because they're all people. By asking you to focus on your studies, they were enforcing that they want you to be successful because studying is the easiest way to succeed. But I totally understand where your coming from. If your dream even as a little girl was to be a singer or actress, and you still have that urge to be one, I think you should work hard to do what you want and with that anger you have for your parents, succeed and show them what you are capable of! I know it can be frustrating at times but just think this was an obstacle God gave you to make you into a better person! so just get over this and you'll be there!
2015-04-09 09:37:40 UTC
If you’re still breathing, then there’s still hope! – In the words of the uberwise Kung Fu Panda “Yesterday’s history, tomorrow’s a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present”. Now, you can’t get cross at me for how corny that is, it was uttered by a panda. No one can be mad at pandas, they’re way too cute!

Seriously though, you need to understand that if there’s still life left in your body, then no matter how bad you feel right now your purpose in this world is not complete. There is an incredible plan for you, you’ve just wandered away from the path a little bit! I get it I have been there so many times I’ve lost count, but I have also taken my own and other very smart and loving people’s advice and just kept on breathing. Eventually you will find your way through! Dory had it right all along!

Yes, I am quoting cartoons an awful lot in this post, but you know what? When my 2 year old falls down, even when he has really hurt himself you want to know what he does? He picks himself up, runs over to either myself or his daddy and presents us with his injury. He expects us to press a gentle kiss upon the ‘owie’ so that it can be made all better and he can continue on his way.

Yes, life is really that simple! It really does come down to a few very simple points.

Stuff Happens – It can really suck sometimes, it can make you cry, it can even make you bleed, but if it doesn’t kill you, then I guess that means you’re not out of the game yet. Awesome!

Take your ‘owie’ to the right people – Can you imagine what would happen if my child took his injury to another injured and crying child instead of coming to his parents? It would turn into the loudest, saddest, most unhappy place in the playground! A hurting child will not have sympathy and tenderness required to care for another hurting and crying child. Instead they will feel the need to cry even louder to ensure that the real caregivers can hear them and help. Don’t try to get the help you need from someone who is in the same place as you are! Take yourself to the people who have what you need to get yourself through this time!

Once you have what you need, don’t just sit there afraid of getting hurt again – get back out there and laugh and play! Simply enjoy the feeling of the wind in your hair as you go down the slide, or the giddiness of the merry-go-round. Life happens in the simple pleasures. If you have forgotten that, then you will forever feel that you lack what you need to live a happy and joy filled life.

A smile changes everything and everything can change with a smile. Start there and the rest will follow.

Don’t give up. The best is yet to come!
Fort Erudite
2015-04-08 19:55:49 UTC
Well sorry to tell you this but that is all part of life. You must accept the good and bad circumstances in your life. You are only a young person. The best thing to do is accept your situation and finish school. Then look for a good a job that pays the bills until you are in a better financial position to complete your main goal. No one is born a movie star, a president, director, writer, singer, architect, lawyer, or Olympic sportsperson.

Focus on the now. Don't waste time whining or complaining about your family. Stay optimistic. Make an effort to stay in control of your emotions. Sometimes, it maybe necessary not to divulge your ambitions or goals to your relatives. All you need to prove to yourself is that you can do anything you want. But it may take a few years to achieve those goals.
Dayana Gonzalez-Saez
2015-04-08 18:39:42 UTC
You are still young. I started college when I was 20 and I had a son when I was 17. I felt the same way ,but if you stay focused on your dreams like I do you can do anything. It's going to be hard ,but if you keep moving and stay motivated, you will feel like it's so close you can almost taste it. Having my son was not an easy thing to do and people always judge the teen mom, but I don't care what people think, not even my family when it comes to judging me. Love me for who I am and what I want to do. To end my story I finished high school half year early because I had good enough grades and credit, I got a full time job and go to school full time to become a forensic scientist. Be strong and don't let ANYONE get in your way ;they can be by your side if they want or stay behind. YOU CAN DO IT! :D
2015-04-08 04:15:43 UTC
I know sometimes your parents are wrong about things too because they're all people. By asking you to focus on your studies, they were enforcing that they want you to be successful because studying is the easiest way to succeed. But I totally understand where your coming from. If your dream even as a little girl was to be a singer or actress, and you still have that urge to be one, I think you should work hard to do what you want and with that anger you have for your parents, succeed and show them what you are capable of! I know it can be frustrating at times but just think this was an obstacle God gave you to make you into a better person! so just get over this and you'll be there!
2015-04-11 11:47:56 UTC
My friend, Giving up with your life is not a solution. I know some time your parents are strict about studies and some other things but trust me your parents have faced so many troubles for giving you a better life and if they are strict with you it only means they don't want you to face any trouble in your life. I am also 23. I also don't like sometime when my parents oppose my decision believe my i never like that. but when i thing about it and ask from my heart deep inside I always know they are right and they are always standing with me in my all troubles. you can become a singer and anyone can become anything if he want. Just wake up buddy and start giving every possible effort to make you dream come true. if you have a true faith in your dream it will come true very soon and let me clear one thing to you if you decide to die. It's just a proof that you are not a good fighter. Don't prove yourself a coward. This is your day and you are hero here. It's in your hand to become a hero or a coward.
2015-04-09 00:18:50 UTC
Life is gift. Life is the one thing in the universe that holds true intrinsic value. There are a lots of reasons you should never give up on life no matter what-

1. This may be all there is

2. There is always – and I mean always – a solution to any problem.

3. Success is inevitable for those who are smart and don’t give up.

4. A helping hand can always be found if needed

5. What gives life meaning is the struggle that we live through.

6. You are capable of having full control over your reality.

7. There is a purpose for each of us waiting to be found.

To live is to be potential of creating change. And like this image.
2015-04-08 13:18:13 UTC
Don't give up on you. Now that you are grown, you are free to carry that out. Parents I know mean well, but sometimes I think they should stop seeing their kids in their own lives. SO many things they don't like and they hinder their kids from doing it. They don't to lie what the parents like. They are all different people. That's natural. They look at them and see themselves too much. They need to see the person for who they are. That's why so many kids rebel when they get a certain age when it comes to their style and character. They are not the parents all over again. They are their own person. Not that they should because God says we are to always respect our parents even when we are grown. They should always try to see if the kid is good at what they really desire once they are about 13 years old. They mean well, but they can also hurt the id when they are grown, like you. Just stay focus and do the thing you love.
2015-04-10 18:13:07 UTC
you gotta push through this tough time. I'm in my last year of studying psychology and my parents never believed in me, they wanted me to do a trade (theres nothing wrong about doing a trade, its just not what i wanted to do). in the 6 years I've been studying tough times have been around every corner. but seriously i personally believe you have made a good decision in differing for a year to follow your dreams. follow your dreams for the year and if you find that you're a lot more happier with life and you can see yourself going somewhere keep heading down that path, because society these days are to easily pushed into something they do not want to do. A lot of people do not have the courage to follow what they really want and I am a prime example of this, so take my advice and don't make the same mistakes i did.

all the best, if you need to vent/talk to anyone just ask or reply to me and ill hit you up.
2015-04-08 09:46:19 UTC
now, I don't know hardly anything about your situation. but (not saying that you are or are not, but still) this coming Sunday is the Sunday after Easter. Try to get to a church! Pray to Jesus right now wherever you are, you don't have to be in a church to pray! "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me!" including getting through a bad situation, or having mean, (not saying your parents were mean,) or unsupportive parents to turn it into a strength to pray to god about, because know this, God Will NOT Put YOU Through ANYTHING That You CANNOT Handle, the is a reason for everything. and I mean EVERYTHING..... Every little blessed thing! From picking a blue shirt instead of a pink one. might not be the hugest most meaningful reason every time, but there is still a reason. If you do not happen to have the strongest relationship with God and Jesus Christ, try to get to a church. It doesn't matter what type of church, all churches have relationships with God and Jesus, but try to get to one. Don't be a Sunday church-goer also, pray at home on a Tuesday, or a Wednesday or whatever! Pray during the commercials of your fave TV show, or in the car to the grocery store! Have a blessed Wednesday and know that you can get through this hard and stressful time of your life.

Now on to the more encouraging for a career:

I wanted to be the same thing you want to be when I was a little younger. I have a terrible voice and I dance like me father... aka really badly. Now I want to be a photojournalist and travel the world while writing! -I love writing) Basically what I'm trying to say is that anything you desire to be as a young adult, you can achieve! You can be a singer and or a dancer many different ways, and it will be stressful the whole time with the more publicity you get. There are many ways to get over stress, basically, talk to a doctor or someone about stress relief things. Ok other than that, You can be a singer and dancer if you want to be! Maybe you had to go through all that you have to have something to sing about! TO make yourself have the confidence and self preservation to be a singer and a dancer! Encourage people with un-supportive families through songs to let them know that they can do anything they set there minds to- like you can/will yourself! Anything! The possibilities are completely endless! Have a good day, and I hope to be in the front row of your very first concert in a couple of years! Still, though, remember, 'I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who Strengthens Me!" Philippians 4:13 :)
2015-04-11 15:37:07 UTC
Keep your head up girl! Never give up your dreams! You can do it! People are either a blessing or a lesson. Your parents are a lesson to never give up even though life can have you feeling down sometimes! If you give up then you are the weaker one. If you achieve your dreams then think of how wrong you're parents will feel for not supporting you! I have very similar parents. If you need anyone to talk to I'm just an email away! Good luck!
2015-04-12 09:46:24 UTC
You have nothing to lose. You're just starting out. Go ahead and try to do whatever it is you dream of. If you fail, you've lost nothing and you still have plenty of time to make up your mind. You don't need to know what you want to be or go into until you're 26-29. So if you want, take a few years to have fun and pursue your dreams. So what if your parents don't support you? That doesn't have to stop you from living your life. When people look back, nobody regrets taking a few student loans or going a bit in debt in their early 20s. Once you figure out what you want to do, you'll pay it back in no time. Relax.
2015-04-09 13:11:49 UTC
There is a chance, but you have to put in the work. And not 100%, but 110%!

You can still go to college even if you're 20 so the best option would be to start out at a community college and later on transfer to a 4-year university. Many universities offer vocal performance for aspiring singers which falls under the music performance major. Also, most schools have either a theatre or acting major for aspiring actors/actresses.
Sasry.S.M M
2015-04-10 06:51:04 UTC
First, do not entertain the idea of "giving up life". Remember, be an achiever rather than a martire. I am an Indian. Here in India, all most all the singers whether cine singers or classical singers, all of them are graduates from colleges. So, do not yield to the idea that you can do only one thing-that is study or singing. It depends on your determination. I do not mean to be harsh, but do not find some reason for your feared failure. You can do both by the simple technic of time management. Try hard and wish you good luck and success.
2015-04-11 02:16:53 UTC
You should first of all step back and look at your life. :) Follow your dreams and try to become a singer. I would firstly though put some time on one side to catch up all of your work. (Do this first.) In addition, tell someone like a close friend or a consular what's happening. Trust me, it helps! :) Don't worry, you will make it through with a bit of confidence and hard-work! :) I wish all of the luck so that you succeed! Also, tell your parents how you feel! All parents are meant to support you and help you so, it will only do good! Good luck and everything will be fine! :)
2015-04-09 04:21:19 UTC
Never give up on life. No matter how bad it may seem. One thing that got me through hard times was thinking "Things can't get any worse, so things can only get better.if you want to be! Maybe you had to go through all that you have to have something to sing about! TO make yourself have the confidence and self preservation to be a singer and a dancer! Encourage people with un-supportive families through songs to let them know that they can do anything they set there minds to- like you can/will yourself! Anything! The possibilities are completely endless! Have a good day.
2015-04-09 22:49:54 UTC
Giving up life is never a solution. Whatever you want just do that no matter what people say about it or even if your parents are not liking it.Make them understand what your dreams are and education is important so do that basic studies. Once you complete follow your heart.Life is very pretty don't make it go like that.
2015-04-08 14:51:59 UTC
Don't give up just yet! Do what my wife did when her family treated her like "she's a girl so she can't be a carpenter" or "she's a girl so she must take home economics in high school"; she decided to have her friends and their family to be her extended family. Family is not about blood relations, it is a group of people that support you. Support them and they will support you. That takes time but it is well worth the effort. We now have "adopted" siblings, cousins, nieces, and nephews that are not blood relations that we support each other as if we are family because we ARE family.
2015-04-10 21:17:15 UTC
I'm also 20 too, when i was 15 my older brother had brought me a singing lesson, and the 2nd day my mom found out and made me quit! I really enjoy singing even know im bad at it. But thats why there's singing lessons. Will anyways i had to quit and listen to my mom. my paresnts also push me to school too. But at the end of the day i thank there support. I wouldn't be at this stage if my parents didt stay by my side and push me.... I'm in college and its been about a year. i'm going to gradua in 2015. with a Associates of Art.

I'm really happy. after this i'm planing on going to a University after my c college.... I also have a lot of problems in my house hold. .... so your not alone! when u have ur own places go get those singing lesson. and also going to do that too....
2015-04-08 22:59:12 UTC
To begin with, there are no miracles. it is up to you to buckle down and catch up with the work you are expected to do. I personally have had some family problems, my mom and brother living in Norway and my dad and i living in America. I understand that it might be difficult to take the easy way out of your situation, but that is simply not the right thing to do. If you buckle down and do the things you need to do, the end feeling will be much better than what you will feeling knowing you gave up at such a young age. I can guarantee you that there are other people in the world that have it much more difficult than you do.

To summarize my advice for you, i would suggest that you sit down, do what you need to, no matter how difficult it might be, or how bad you feel, and make your life a success.
2015-04-11 21:01:49 UTC
My friend, Giving up with your life is not a solution.Well sorry to tell you this but that is all part of life. You must accept the good and bad circumstances in your life. You are only a young person. The best thing to do is accept your situation and finish school.
2015-04-09 02:37:48 UTC
I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed and discouraged right now. You're at a time in life when the big decisions can feel overwhelming, but I promise that life can be a great adventure, no matter which paths you choose. (I'm much older, and while my life is not what I dreamed it would be when I was your age, it has definitely been full and happy.)
2015-04-08 15:21:31 UTC
I'm not 20 yet,and i'll give an advice follow your dream and do your life,nobody can say what you need to do,ok you if you don't arrange some jobs singing,use it like hobbie and try to study other thing but never stop singing,'cause one day you can have a opportunity.Repeating:

nobody can say what you need to do

-It's what i learnt watching Peabody and Sherman animation,kkki recommend,kk,animations and movies you can really learn something. with it
2015-04-10 03:37:47 UTC
Hi Warrior ! Our success is just at the next corner when we want to quit. Stretch yourself and keep fighting. success may come off late but it's sure that it is inching towards you with every step you are taking. your life can be a story to fill inspiration in others life but only when you make the most of it. Good Luck and God Bless you dear!
2015-04-09 14:48:11 UTC
Don't ever give up on life. Never. Don't ever give up on your dreams either. Do want you want to do no matter what anyone else says. Use your pain as inspiration for songs. Turn your bad experiences into good ones. Use your past to your benefit.

Whatever you decide to do, don't ever give up your life, your dreams, anything. Just don't.
2015-04-08 12:22:33 UTC
don't give up

for me u should be like what u are

if u can't make them happy

although u try ur best

then dont be ashamed

i am not saying u to be rude with them

i am just saying respect them

and follow their good advise

and then

u must live a life u dream

and take proper step and make yourself proud

remember when u will be happy

u will be able to make people around u happy

this is my theory for my life

i don't follow this sometimes

but i have kept it in my mind

and i will follow it in the proper time

and i will not give up

so don't give up
2015-04-08 20:01:13 UTC
Don't give up life, and remember this "A dream is to make the impossible possible, after all that's what a dream is"-From some guy on the internet
2015-04-08 19:57:23 UTC
There are plenty of alternatives to giving up on life. Treat yourself to a movie. Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Try not to focus on the negative thoughts.
2015-04-09 04:23:16 UTC
As we live in material universe from the time begins with infinity. As human by nature can create own fate or what he is going to be in future. But we are born with certain types of predetermined results that is going to face in this life. That predetermined results are generated from our action in previous infinity number of life that we already lived in the process of born-death. Thus, be a human being be confident and utilize all those having you have for achievement of your goal that give you satisfaction.
2015-04-09 12:08:59 UTC
Dave here. I even attempted suiced many years ago, and I am so happy that I am still alive. I also suffer from depression, dyslexia, add, and relaxation problems from trying to please everyone. Depression or as I have MDD major depressive disorder I am still very happy to be alive. My church Fellowship church in Fort Worth has a lot to do with that. I am closer to God than I ever was before I attempted and I don't want to go 1 second without God. AMEN for that my brother!!!
2015-04-10 13:15:07 UTC
Don't give up on you dream, not everyone makes it big in acting or singing. but you will never know unless you try. If you are good at what you are trying to do I think you will get some jobs doing what you love. Even if it is not that big. You will love what you do. Good luck
2015-04-12 06:31:56 UTC
My dearest friend, I know just how you feel only the other day was i sitting between my boyfriends legs crying my eyes out at what has ALREADY HAPPENED in my life and telling him straight out that i don't want to be here, that i cannot continue things with the way i feel, and he cried... but he turned to me and looked me dead in the eyes and told me that although i don't want to accept the past and move on people love me, people i may not even realise... if i left this world and gave up on my life, how will that fix anything but only make it worse?. He has seen me at my worse, iv harmed myself over what is done and what i cannot change, and its only now that i realise i have to let go and move on with my life, and that my friend is what you must do too.. people love you for who you are, every inch of you, although it does not seem like it they do, if you feel they don't support you with singing or any choice you make, do it anyway, if it makes you happy who cares!! there is so much more to your life and the world around you that you have to experience, but please for the sake of other people and most importantly yourself don't turn to giving up for the solution to all of your problems because that will not even touch off solving anything.. i need you and anyone else who feels the way you do and myself included to try and see life differently,at a different angle but do it with a smile and positivity! god dammit work on your singing! go to college whenever it is you feel its necessary! travel! even if its to the next town/city just do it.. open yourself up to the whole world and the whole world will become your oyster!! but please do not EVER consider ending this beautiful chance at life you have been given! if one person can make me want to do all this i hope that you can find the energy and light to want to do it too!! but don't give up.. I'm only 19 and i have struggled since i was 17.. its only now i realise how much i have to offer... and so do you!! keep your head up and your heart strong! Much love x
2015-04-08 21:35:03 UTC
You are 20! Go out and enjoy your life! Start taking vocal lessons, and get involved in that world! Youtube is such a cool place to start if you want to put the time in. Maybe get into a recording studio and start focusing on music!
2015-04-11 00:50:22 UTC
Please don't give up on life dear, yes it is hard at the moment, but it will get better, you will see things different at your vunerable age, but believe me it does get better, and I want you to contact me in 3 years time and say, yes Geoff, you were right and I'm thankful for your advice. Try seeknsing help and support from other family members and talk to the Samaritans good luck
2015-04-08 20:14:06 UTC
Well, what you are pursuing is really unsecure. You should study a career you love or at least you do well, then go for acting and singing. You could participate in college on those activities. You don´t need to drop college, just work hard on what you have
2015-04-09 20:05:49 UTC
As cliche as it is, everything happens for a reason. Don't give up just because things seem hard at this moment. This is just one step in your path, and you have to overcome it. If you really feel like you need to talk to someone try seeing a counselor. I know once I did, it really helped me.
2015-04-09 12:09:56 UTC
You need to find what you like to do and immerse yourself in it! if its singing go for it! something iv learned in life your parents are not there to live your dreams! You must do what is right for you in spite of what anyone else says. Some people may contribute to your joy, but no one will defend it the way you can! start by indulging in the things you enjoy and limiting the things that tear you down and you will naturally rebuild yourself with the good your heart seeks!!!
2015-04-11 07:22:06 UTC
You're crying because you have too much food to eat and you didn't pursue your dream? Talk about first-world problems. Come on man, quit being a whiny fvck. There are poor people who'd cut off their balls just to trade lives with you.
2015-04-08 04:02:58 UTC
I do NOT think your parents were wrong here, and you sound rather spoiled and narcissistic to me. Singing, dancing and acting may have its place, but it's usually highly ambitious and questionable.

Your parents wanted to base your life on a foundation of solid rock, meaning actual skills or a down-to-earth field of endeavor, in my opinion. We have enough singers, entertainers and ego strokers. Some people need to actually do more honest work.
2015-04-11 23:16:10 UTC
Listen man we have all been there life goes on learn from the **** you've been through don't do them again most important thing is to evolve yourself into better person and being happy with who you are
2015-04-10 14:33:42 UTC
I think there is a compromise between your parents wishes for you to go to college and pursue your career. I did not see it among the 78 or so responder to your Yahoo Question.

That compromise is this go to college and follow in the university in Liberal Arts School, a career in that field that focuses in the Liberal Arts in Acting and Singing. I was a college professor of education at four universities. I am not trying manipulate the views of your parents or sabotage your aspirations of a musical career for you. I used to have a colleague at college who along with me would want to expand our department offerings in educating school teachers and school administrators. He would say: "Lets run it up the flagpole and see who salutes." I am urging you to try that strategy with your parents or whomever. Good luck.
2015-04-14 09:30:23 UTC
Your parents also says all of these stuff for your betterment. And its wrong to think that you are alone.Always help others and supports others then you will be a great guy.

Selfish people always think that i am alone.

Love everyone you will find love.

With stress you will lost your health and it would be totally destructive. Take care of your health.
2015-04-09 05:29:53 UTC
Follow you passion. My parent was one force me to stop play game and do what they want, but I overcome it and now I've become a better person.

Live you life and don't let someone take control over it. Follow your dream.
2015-04-08 14:26:35 UTC
Life will never have its fullest meaning until you find Christ as your Savior. There is a God-shaped hole in every life that only he can fill. If you will give your life over to him you will find the true fulfillment you seek.

Jesus said, "Come unto me, anyone who is weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest for your soul."
2015-04-10 20:34:18 UTC
do what your freaking parents tell you

they told you to concentrate on your studies because that's the only way you're going to be able to afford food, rent, health care, clothes and everything else

wanting to be a singer is dumb unless you want to live in a car and be a bartender while you pursue your dream

study, get a a real job
2015-04-09 19:39:22 UTC
Theres something called future. And I know many more stories worse than yours and at the end, they seem to have better lives than many others because their experience. Keep on working on your education and dont make bad decisions. BTW Johnny Depp was homeless before he became a big shot.
2015-04-09 21:06:57 UTC
I'm deeply sorry for what you have gone through. But please understand that there is so much more in the world to live for. You're 20, you are still young you can pursue your dreams and goals, your life is your own and you decide what to do.
2015-04-10 04:18:58 UTC
Besides your parents, do you have other mentors who can help guide and encourage you? People who know you well are often in a great position to help you identify and develop your unique gifts. Also, you mentioned hoping for a miracle - have you asked God for His help and guidance? You can't go wrong with that!
clary grace
2015-04-12 23:48:22 UTC
the problem is you are blaming everything to other people. you need to grow up. there are people who are literally fighting for their lives. people who have cancer, who are terminally ill and those people in other country who were caught in between war, there are also people who don't even have food to eat or water to drink and are suffering. but they still have the courage to fight for life. why don't you embrace life as it is, appreciate the mere fact that you are breathing and try to find ways that you can help other people. you may not want to hear it but at least you still have your health. good luck and God bless.
2015-04-10 05:13:53 UTC
Don't give up your aim , i am also having same problem. But i and take what my parents say. I am putting my effort to achieve my aim in my life.
2015-04-08 16:58:58 UTC
These days Just a diploma doent up mayo on a sandwich. School is very important. It helps u with conversations others. Reading, writing, & all that stuff develops U 2 B who U R. Now if you can support yourself while u strive to be what ur heart desires, I say go for it!!!!:-)
Gaurav Soni
2015-04-10 04:06:15 UTC
Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.

Not to give up under any circumstances should be the motto of our life: we shall try again and again, and we are bound to succeed. There will be obstacles, but we have to defy them. So do not give up, do not give up! Continue, continue! The goal is ahead of you. If you do not give up, you are bound to reach your destined goal.
2015-04-08 18:11:14 UTC
If you really want to give up, that's your choice.

But, make sure that you tried your hardest before you do so.
2015-04-09 22:12:06 UTC
Here is some real good advice. Easy to say but hard to do! Get out of yourself find someone else to help or do things for others. Self sacrafice yourself for someone else for a change.
Media Express
2015-04-09 14:29:53 UTC
that fact that you want to quit is a good sign, it means you REALLY want this and you need to GO for it! try your best, have hope, believe that you can do this and you don't need also don't need to be skinny or have lots of hair to become an amazing singer. everything will fall into place, if you just try, trust me.

good luck. :)
2015-04-10 03:50:37 UTC
You must accept the good and bad circumstances in your life. You are only a young person. The best thing to do is accept your situation and finish school.
2015-04-11 21:55:52 UTC
Dear young person,

Please consider a few things: even though it may seem your parents did not support your dream it very well could be because (1) your parents know that statistically there is such a small possibility that this type of dream will ever lead to gainful employment & many times results in a huge money-sucking & soul-sucking experience for those who attempt it (2) parents are responsible for being... parents & that means guiding their children into an adult life with skills that can help the young adult be self-sustaining (3) for the vast majority of kids who share your type of dream the parents simply do not have the money to provide endless resources & with this have to choose to provide what resources they can to prepare you for adult life

Now, as a young adult, your parents have done what they can do to provide you with a basis to help the transition into the responsibilities of adulthood..... it is you that chooses what path to follow

you had the choice of (1) follow the path recommended by your parents to become self-sustaining (2) follow your dream and use up the resources that could have provided you gainful employment to become self-sustaining

the better path is to follow the path to a place where you can self-sustain & then use your own resources (before you have kids & spouse that you will have to spend money on) to take those voice lessons in an attempt to pursue your dream --- this way you get both the benefit of being self-sustaining as well as the fulfillment of at least learning the skills to follow your dream. The vast majority of artists, regardless of the type of talent (singing, dancing, acting, drawing, etc...) must have a full-time sustainable job with some other occupation to sustain themselves. It is extremely rare for any artist to make enough money to not also have a full-time job. Yes, the artists you hear of in the news might (Let me repeat MIGHT) make enough money to give up full-time sustainable job.... but that is really more rare than you as a young person realize

Please... PLEASE... get back on the path of your education so you can become self-sustaining & with this use a portion of your earnings to support your dream

Added note: I have 3 friends who got education to sustainable career & then worked towards their dream. 2 of them have achieved their "dream" only to realize they can not make enough money to give up their sustainable career jobs
2015-04-10 03:42:41 UTC
Never think about that type of stupidity life is most precious gift of God. Its critical situation for you I suggest you always think about your dream and you are not fulfilling your dreams you are already like a dead men so concentrate your mind to fulfil your dream.
2015-04-09 09:51:48 UTC
Believe me i move to mexico and i am gonna flunk year hear my mom dose not

care she just says i need to focus and i really am over it and you know i think i should just give up life
2015-04-11 20:51:51 UTC
Never give up on life. No matter how bad it may seem.
2015-04-08 04:49:04 UTC
You are free to do what you want to do. Don't live for anyone else, life your life for yourself.
2015-04-08 14:00:00 UTC
never give up on life
2015-04-11 10:57:43 UTC
Its ur life.. do whatever u doesnt seem like u want to die cz if u did ud just commit suicide and not be talking and asking bout it... that just proves that u still want to live so just live and take time to be hapoy ignore haters
osman f
2015-04-08 23:54:50 UTC
Be patient. Find Religion. Get Married.
2015-04-09 18:23:53 UTC
just realize that... if you truly think about it you know that you shouldnt kill yourself or anyone else so why would you??? just because your hard times... at least you had an education and have internet and know how to read... focus on the good things in life

2015-04-11 05:23:00 UTC
Life is a gift simple as that

Just work harder and rigors people who doubt you.
great knight
2015-04-09 22:08:43 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth. Get a kjversion Bible and believe. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."- The Word of God.
2015-04-10 21:44:39 UTC
Life is just one, don't give up it.Try to make them ur feelings.I am sure, they will understand you.
2015-04-09 18:20:48 UTC
2015-04-11 00:03:13 UTC
Think about people who lost their legs and or arms? Blind and death people, or worse! people who are death and blind at the same time! How do they feel? They keep on living, so there are worse things in life. Keep calm and walk on! ;D
2015-04-09 13:25:36 UTC
well just live trough life until your 18 then your life will get better
2015-04-11 00:01:54 UTC
Giving up life is another thin.
2015-04-11 18:24:20 UTC
If it helps, many are going through a similar struggle.
2015-04-10 19:51:55 UTC
tell them to **** off, pack ur ****, and leave. your a sentient human being, not someone to achieve only what your parents wanted to but couldn't achieve. stand up for yourself. you can do it man.
2015-04-11 02:47:07 UTC
u have so much longer to change ur life calm down if u put that and u said u were 78 then I would not reply
2015-04-08 21:31:25 UTC
if you give up life the world will not stop for you so what is the benefit ?
2015-04-11 07:00:45 UTC
The people who usually succeed have a never-say-die attitude. You wanna succeed? Never-say-die.
2015-04-09 02:11:23 UTC
Just do what makes you happy!

And live!

2015-04-10 18:47:43 UTC
i've just got one thing to say to you,

2015-04-13 05:17:41 UTC
take the college money and signup for singing lessons , they will deal with the shock later
2015-04-11 16:27:34 UTC
Girl there is no trick, you must make it happen. The hell with the rest of the world!
2015-04-10 00:46:15 UTC
Hold on
2015-04-10 08:15:11 UTC
good for you. now stop talking about it and take action.
2015-04-14 11:28:57 UTC
How do your parents "force" you? Call the police.
2015-04-09 09:42:37 UTC
Stay in School, i guess.
2015-04-10 01:26:51 UTC
no ,just relax ,don't think too more
2015-04-09 19:39:36 UTC
Stop wishing and do.
2015-04-09 00:39:18 UTC
dont be a fool
2015-04-08 18:42:04 UTC
move out get singing lessons and finish school, idk start a youtube channel, bruh problem solved
Arman Hossain
2015-04-09 12:25:00 UTC
Please don't do that. this will not be a good solution.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.