I think that your subject choices are good and will apply to the area you want to be in!
English language, as far as I know, is hard. Not the hardest, though. I've never actually heard of anyone taking childcare ot healt & social care, but they sound like perfect options for the ccareer track you want. Sociology is considered a very easy subject - you'll get an easy A, but if you want to get into a good university then it's not a great subject to have - some of the top universities don't even count it as a subject. But if you are interested in it then why not, right?
ICT counts as a science, I don't take it but it is probably a good subject to have when trying to get into universities, etc. But it has nothing to do with what you want to do when you are older.
I think if you want to go into a childcare sort of profession, you have picked the right subjects, but psychology or history may be good to have - they look good on your CV and they also apply in many areas to childcare (especially psychology).
BUT, then again, don't decied to take a ton of A-level subjects - three or four at most, because people who take more usually get worse grades than they would get if they took fewer subjects. It's about quality, not quantity.