I am sorry, but if Firefighting is a backup in case college fails.. well then firefighting is probably not for you.
Few people get into it because it was just something to do, or a paycheck.. If you want that go work for an office or a temp agency.
Firefighting is dangerous, you risk your life and the lives of your crew if you go into this half hearted.
Dont mean to burst your bubble, but either crap or get off the pot.. if you really want to be a firefighter, if the blood boils with a passion when you think of working as a firefighter.. good, go for it.
If you get excited just to drive to a call in a big truck, or want to pick up dates with the uniform or just plan on going in and doing a 9-5 job and going home, or if it is just 1 of a dozen choices.. then forget it.
Firefighting is a tough job (not always but the potential is there), and sorry to say, it is even tougher for women.. you need to put in 110% just to be thought of seriously.