College is like high school times 10. you'll have more work in college than in highschool, and instead of going to school all day, your day might be broken up into segments depending on what time your classes are, so class can seem like an appointment some time.
It's easier to find a girl because people are lonely in general, plus there's a lot more freedom without your parents around, and you have your own living quarters.
There's always a party going on, if not one that's been set up by a fraternity, then people will make their own make-shift party at their place, or one of their friends. On most campuses drinking alcohol in dorms is prohibited, but you can still have a few friends over to drink. They won't search your room for alcohol unless you're causing a disturbance or there's people coming in and out of your room that are wasted, or they physically see the alcohol.
Fraternity parties are just when they open up the main part of their house or building to a party. There's beer. Either kegs are self-serve, or someone is filling your cup for you. The ones I went to there was usually a $5 fee at the door. It's all you can drink, but if you get too drunk and become a problem for the house, the will kick you out. If you're part of the fraternity there's probably places in the party to do drugs too, or other fun stuff that the brothers are doing to pass the time.
Collegs is like "the best of times, and the worst of times". You're away from your parents, so you're lonely, but there's no body immediately looking over your shoulder. You may or may not like your roommate. You can get a single room, and it's only $100 or so extra a month, which isn't really that bad considering you're paying about $400 a month already (I've never tried this, but I looked into it.) Your roommate can get on your nerves, get into your business, or impede you from having a good time at times; but they can also cheer you up, help you with your work, or help you have a better time by going out together, and sharing information about school and campus events.
If you've never gotten so drunk that you thought you were going to die, you'll probably do so at college. For instance, one night you're just going to keep drinking, throwing aside any earlier warnings of hangovers, vomiting, or blacking out.
You could very well start smoking cigarettes in college. If so you'll have a certain bond with other smokers you smoke with.
People smoke marijuana more in college. There's some that absolutely won't though. Some will just drink and drink and that's it. It may or may not be difficult to find weed in college.
There's other drugs in college too. Every one you can imagine. Depending on what crowd you hang around will depend on how much of it you see.
You have a lot of freedom, and it's easy to not do your work in college. Maybe you should aim for a passing grade before trying to do "great" or even "good" at school. Your teachers tell you basically everything you need to do (but they don't do it for you)! There's usually note-taking and tests and quizzes in class. There's usually homework to practice, and reading assignments to stay on top of everything. It's best to do your reading and your homework because when it comes to studying for your test, you might end up expelling the same amount of energy than if you were to do all the reading/homework in the first place.