2009-12-23 12:54:14 UTC
I have taken bio I and II, Chem I, and Intro Soc through dual enrollment at my local CC (which I have 4.0 with 25 credits). I feel confident in my eco/evo biology but less so in my cell/molecular biology so I want to retake my Bio II and I want a firmer foundation in my Chm I.
I guess I am mainly worried because all of the "screwed up freshman year" threads.
Fall - 12 credits
1 cr. ALS 103 Introductory Topics in Agriculture and Life Sciences
4 cr. BIO 183 Introductory Biology – Cell/Molecular
4 cr. CH 101 Chemistry - Molecular Science W/ Lab
3 cr. MA 107 Precalculus I
Spring - 14 credits
4 cr. CH 221 Organic Chemistry I w/ lab
4 cr. ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research
3 cr. MA 108 Precalculus II
3 cr. WGS 210 Women and Gender in Science and Technology
Fall - 16 credits
4 cr. CH 223 Organic Chemistry II w/lab
4 cr. MA 141 Calculus
4 cr. PY 211 College Physics I
4 cr. BIO 212 Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology
Spring - 18 credits
4 cr. CH 201 Chemistry - Quantative Science w/ lab
4 cr. MA 241 Calculus II
4 cr. PY 212 College Physics II
3 cr. PHI 221 Contemporary Moral Issues
3 cr. FLS 201 Intermediate Spanish I