2009-03-21 22:52:03 UTC
any suggestions would be helpful,thanks.
Reflection essay: Volunteer Day 1
Before I even started on my first day of volunteering, I was concern on what they would make me do. If I would to be even slightly interested in what I would be doing there or would I just be turned away by the first environmental friendly task they had me do. As I have visited the site before, but never actually done any sort of volunteer work there, I was still anxious on what type of work they would have me doing. I expected to be interacting with children form near by schools, knowing that the Audubon Center has frequent visitors from local schools, and learning about animals: birds, plants and animals.
When arriving at the Audubon Center ready to complete my first day of volunteer service I was greeted by Patty Sun a specialist at teaching others the mission that the Audubon Center has to offer. As I was given a small tour of the center with Patty, I quickly learned about the types of plants that were growing there unintentionally and that by leaving them alone it will cause the center to look dried out and ugly. Seeing how much of these potentially dried up plants there were I decided to use my time volunteering by weeding as much as I can. Shortly after I was told about a pond that is also there and how they only have fishes and tadpoles, when I asked about adding frogs to the pond, I was told by Patty that before they did have frogs but the frogs would eat all the fish so they had to get rid of them.
Once my first day of volunteer work was done with I did get a feeling of accomplishment. Even though it was not exactly what I had expected of the volunteer work I was going to do at the Audubon Center, it was a successful day of work. Even though most might think a whole day of weeding is not much, to me helping anyone in finishing a project they have been trying to complete is work enough.