Generally the folks on the appeals board don't want to hear excuses so much as your plans for improving your grades. Keep in mind - the University doesn't make any money by kicking you out, so they'd rather keep you there, but rules are rules. So, you have to go through this appeals process. For the most part, if you show some sincere effort in putting together the petition, your odds of the committee deciding in your favor are much higher. I recommend, at a MINIMUM, three letters of support regarding your ability to succeed at college classes - only one of which (if any) should be from a family member. If you can get the reference to give the letter to you in a sealed envelope (don't open it, of course), so much the better - it helps convince the committee that you didn't forge it. (Which doesn't make much sense, after all - why couldn't someone just put a forged letter into an envelope? Anyway, all I know is that it seems to help) Also, put a lot of thought into your personal essay - I'm assuming that the petition requires one. If it doesn't, write one anyway. You basically want to explain why you failed this semester as truthfully and briefly as possible. Then, explain IN DETAIL your plans for improvement, (such as how much time you plan to devote to studying per week, where you're going to study, what changes you plan to make in your lifestyle, etc.). If you do all that, I'd be shocked if they don't let you back in. After all, Madison does have a bit of a reputation as a party school. If they kicked everyone out for violating probation, I don't think they'd have many students left. :) Oh, and by the way - should your appeal be rejected, look into other schools in the area. Generally being suspended from one school does not prohibit you from taking classes at another, especially if you enroll as a non-degree seeking student at the other school (the credits will transfer regardless). If you do well in those classes, you could appeal the suspension again at the end of that semester, with an almost guaranteed success, since you could prove you're capable of decent grades. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have, either on here or by email: Good luck!