Perhaps you’ve already done so but if not, try contacting the professional and regulatory body for Social Work in your area for information and guidance on current voluntary work experience requirements. You may also wish to check out the availability of training routes that fit best with your circumstances e.g. employment-based routes, trainee social worker schemes or part-time training provision. Opportunities and requirements may vary slightly in different areas so as you don’t say where you live, here are contact details for all four UK nations:
http://www.ccwales.org.uk/ - Care Council for Wales
http://www.niscc.info/ - Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC)
http://www.iriss.ac.uk/ - Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education
http://www.gscc.org.uk/Home/ - General Social Care Council (GSCC)
A useful source of information on voluntary work opportunities is http://www.do-it.org.uk/. You just add your post-code; select the people/groups you’d like to work with to get a list of volunteering opportunities in your area, with contact details. Another source may be the Prospects graduate website, at http://www.prospects.ac.uk/links/occupations - use the ‘a- z’ section to go to the social worker profile; you’ll find details of various contacts and resources that may be useful for routes into voluntary work.
For a list of social work courses, see http://ucas.com/students/coursesearch/ - For more details, including entry requirements, select the name of any university of interest. If you’re a mature student i.e. 21 or above at the start of your course (20 or over in Scotland) or in any doubt about work experience requirements for a specific course, contact the university admissions office for clarification.
Another option, if sponsored by an employer, is supported open learning with The Open University; see http://www3.open.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/health-and-social-care/social-work/index.htm. For more information, contact a regional faculty representative; see http://www.open.ac.uk/about/organise/p3.shtml for contact details. Again social work training opportunities may vary in each nation - this option is not available in Northern Ireland.
Do take time to research these links. I hope this answers your question and wish you every success in your plans for a career in social work.