hi i might be able to help you,
You need an effictive and intresting concept in you and have strong capability to create an outstanding resumè , you need skill , which you often do, you need to highlight your Pros, not cons, it makes the reader/or boss confused weather you can do a job or not.
Before you can write an effective resume, you must first be able to identify your skills and abilities as well as your special needs relating to the work environment, salary, geographic location, and people environment. This step will help you to develop a career objective. The following exercises will help you identify some things about yourself which you may want to express in your resume.
Before you create any resume you should have these in your mind or in a paper:
List at least 10 skills which you have developed in each of the following areas: Education/Work/Internships or Volunteer/Extracurricular. Use action words todevelop one-liner summaries.
Circle each of the skills noted in part A that you would like to use in your employment. Are there other talents you possess that you would like to use on the job? If so, add them to the list of circled skills. Now rank these skills in order of those you most want to use.
Make a list of what you consider to be 5 great accomplishments in your life. What personal qualities helped you reach each goal?
Writing the resume
Highlight your skills
Use active and intresting words, languages to spice up your resumè
Be consistent, try to think the best way to present the Resume, using Tables, Graphs, Headers, Fotters
Present Informaiton in chronological order in order for the reader to understand your concept
Check for grammar to prevent the suspicion of the reader to think you have weak spoken language or a lack of intrest in your work
Check and check again for the apperance, does it appeal to you? yes how? no, Why not, and make changes, Ensure that your work is visually appealing and a high standard looking
Make your resume Unique...
Feel free to develop your own categories to highlight your special relevant experiences and skills. It is frequently useful to separate your related or professional experiences from your other work experience by creating separate categories for these content areas.
Think of your intrests Hobbies, and speciality in a specific knid of work
Your telephone no, Address andy details and speciality , YOU GOTTA REALLY BRING OUT YOUR INNER TALENT AND PRESENT IT TO THEM!!!
Use fancy fonts and sizes, pictures where necessary
In the end it might help to leave a short moral describing yourself,
Brawn is the necessity of all work!!
Brain is the system that controlls your actions for success
Apperance is the key to all success
or something, something that you're colsely related to , make up a moral, well i made these up in the spot
Well i hoped that helped :c)
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