IMO, some of the best CS programs for undergraduates include: Harvey Mudd, Rose Hulman, MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Illinois Urbana, Cornell, Princeton, U Washington, Georgia Tech, U Texas Austin, Cal Tech, U Wisconsin Madison, UCLA, Maryland College Park, Michigan Ann Arbor, UCSD, Harvard, Purdue West Lafayette, Brown, UMass Amherst, Yale, USC, SUNY Stony Brook, Penn, U Rochester, NYU, U Minnesota, U Utah, Ohio State, Rice, Duke, Northwestern, SUNY Buffalo, U Pittsburgh, UC Irvine, UCSD, Rutgers New Brunswick, Indiana Bloomington, Penn State U Park, UCSB, Syracuse, RPI, Iowa State, Virginia, U Iowa, UConn, Southern Methodist, USMA, USNA, Stevens Institute of Tech, Case Western, Texas A&M College Station, Vanderbilt, Michigan State, Washington U of St. Louis.
I know that's a long list, but it looks like you're looking for options, so I did a long list on purpose.