Something similar happened to me when I was in college, although it was after I had a fairly serious sports injury that had me so hopped up on codeine that I wasn't able to test or take finals. I ended up dropping the courses and coming back to retake them, but my educational life was never the same since then.
Step 1, I would get out of panic mode. I ended up never graduating from college, but through Lord knows what sort of providence, I was still able to get a six-figure job and find a woman who loved me, etc. The whole point is, it sounds like you've made some missteps, but there's nothing that you can't fix. Right now, the only problem you have is one of indecision. We all suffer from that from time to time. My suggestion would be that you make this indecision as inexpensive for you and your family as possible.
Step 2: Write down the things that you really like/enjoy. As idealistic as it sounds, there are a lot of jobs out there that you can take that just pay the bills, but you'll find yourself the happiest if you are doing something you actually enjoy. The only way you'll figure out whether or not you'll enjoy something is to either try it on faith or do something related to something that you already enjoy. I've always rebelled against the notion of college being pre-job training because I always felt that you should just study what you want to study and the rest will take care of itself. Believe it or not, the most successful, happiest people that I know either didn't graduate from college or studied what they wanted to and then had the wherewithal to make it work later. That said, these people weren't indecisive about their future once they got that ball rolling, so I think we'd be best off if we can get you at least confident about the life decisions you are about to make.
Step 3: Figure out why you failed that accounting course, and more importantly be honest with yourself about why you were irresponsible about dropping the course when you knew it was going to tank your GPA. Not trying to be harsh, but just realistic. It's important for you to be honest with yourself in this process, if for no other reason, not to repeat the same mistakes later.
I'm not sure why you failed your accounting course. It may be because the course material was too difficult for you, but generally speaking, folks fail courses like accounting because they either aren't allocating enough time to study or they aren't doing what is necessary to get the help in order to understand the material. Hopefully you fall into one of those categories --- if you haven't already, look into the school's tutoring programs, or if you can afford it, hire a private tutor. The key is to make sure that you're not setting yourself up to fail. For most people, you won't be able to get away with studying in college like the way you studied in high school. Additional discipline and figuring out the legitimate shortcuts like tracking down study groups and finding those on campus organizations that have old copies of the professors's previous tests' (yes, professors like to ask the same questions or logical variants of said questions that they've asked before) --- fraternities or on campus study groups are usually good for that source material.
Step 4: See your counselor or even a trusted friend/parent and discuss the following notions: a) Based on what you enjoy, is there a course of study that you'll be able to apply for and get into. b) Since you are so confused, might it be a better thing to take time away from school, maybe take some basic prerequisite courses at a local community college (where the cost is cheap --- but try to find a community college whose courses transfer seamlessly to the university that you are attending -- some local community colleges have agreements with the local universities - your college counselor should be able to help out here) --- the point being, it's OK to buy yourself some time as long as you are really going to use that time to figure out what it is that you want to do. c) Is it reasonable for you to continue the course of study that you are in?
But I digress. In the end, the college experience should be about what you want to do, and that not only includes the learning aspect, but the social aspect. If you feel like it's all a bit too much for you and you don't think you can address any of the points above, it's really OK to take a break --- your life on hold for a semester or even a year isn't going to destroy you.
In closing, I think the best piece of advice that I can give is to just make a choice. If you find out later that the choice wasn't the best, then you make another choice and try something else. While there's something to be said about measure twice and cut once (meaning take your time before making a decision), it's all too easy to take it to an extreme and suffer from analysis paralysis and end up never making a decision.
At the end of the day, sometimes you just need to gut it out. And if it's not right, figure that out as soon as you can, and then just try again. Regardless, try to enjoy the whole process. If you're in a position to enjoy a higher education, recognize the privilege that you have and enjoy it.
Keep your chin up. And good luck!