Lux da Candela
2009-09-11 22:59:13 UTC
I live with my mother and a 'step-father'..we dont get along...we have like over 3 years without talking to each other. Is not the 1st time but this time we have lasted more than a few months-over 3 years.
He is always looking for the chance to talk **** about me, he wont say my name but I know is about me. My mom at times tries to tell him to shut up but many times I feel she just agrees with him and begins to trash me too.
I am not perfect, But he says things like right now, that I am dirty, which is not true at all. and blames me for how dysfunctional things are in this 'family,' I have never really considered myself part of the family, 1 because I moved with my mom when I was 4 years old and I knew he wasnt my father (long story) 2 because at times I feel that my mom may have preference with my two siblings (this does not bother today but when I was younger it did) 3 because my relationship with him has never been that great.
I am the type of person who does not like to feel put down so I say when I have a problem, and they cannot take this.. I know that I should shut up at times, and I do, but I think is too late to fix things
This is really a depressing environment.
I am 20 years old so is also time for me to go...I am in college and I love it!
I have had jobs but I was too irresponsible to keep them but I have changed that part of me.
My concern is if you think is worth it to leave school for a term to work fulltime and be able to move out.
I already missed the 1st term after HS because the college messed up my papers (which turned out to be a good idea ironically)
I love college and there is no way I wont go back...but I would have lost a year..
I feel if I leave, it will better the relationship between me and my mother. I will be less sad (it does hurt at times) I will be happier in that aspect..I will have my own place because here I share a room with my brother and sister (who are over 14 ) and I will have my own bed since I share with my sister.