It's time for you to grow up.
No one in the adult world carries on whole conversations over text, nor does your superior- in this case, your professor - have to agree to communicate via a medium that you prefer.
ESPECIALLY because you are camping.
You knew there was an issue with your work, and with your grade.
That's education that someone is paying a lot for you to have.
If you cannot take that seriously enough to schedule a meeting with your professor to talk about, then she has every right to assume you don't care about your work, and I guarantee she will fail you.
You are not her only student. It takes hours on end to read all of those papers, and to consider each student and the body of their work. No professor is going to take you by the hand and lead you back out of the woods because you're not mature enough to handle college. they don't have time, and college is competitive. It's your own responsibility to do the work, and to advocate for yourself if there is any question about the quality of what you submit.
Go to your doctor and get treatment for your mental issues.
Ask for meeting with this professor, and don't talk about camping or your phone line or whine about anything else. Ask he, "what can I do to improve my grade, or demonstrate to you how I fulfilled the criteria you gave in the assignment? What did *I* miss?".
And then let her answer, and don't make excuses.
Professors don't look to "screw" anyone. They work hard, they teach, and if you are not up to using the material, perhaps you need to take some time off from school to mature a bity before you try again. But in the meantime, take a remedial English grammar course, because just your lack of those skills would be enough for many instructors to flunk you.She's not your mom, she's teaching a course, and at that level, you need to do your part. It's purely up to you as to what grade you get, depending upon how you handle this. She's not the problem here.