Hi I'm currently at university but I'm hating it so far! I can't stand the ppl most of them are all chavs and I feel so out of place. I really wanted dropout but I'm not a type of person that would give up easily so I'm seeing it through. Problem is I really want to transfer to a different university next year, but I contacted most of the uni's and they told me that this year they all have stricter guidelines for transfer students and I would have to repeat first year again. Which basically means I lost out on a year and another 9 grand. Seems like a lot but I just can't take another year of that Uni so my question is would I have to apply again through ucas I really don't want to get a reference from my teachers at my sixth form neither do I want to get a reference from my university tutor. So would I have to go through ucas or just call during clearing and ask if they can take me in. Bare in mind I'm also repeating a few alevel exams. Common sense would tell me not to go to Uni but to repeat my alevels, but my mum has a heart condition and repeating alevels would probably kill her....:( so I have to suffer this year. Any ideas ? Thank you!