2010-03-10 19:58:18 UTC
Currently this year i only have 1 honors class (english). I took english honors to simply "challenge myself" not because i am a "superstar" at the subject. I was in basic English my 9th grade and got A in both semesters. This year I ended up getting a 77% in my honors class. So I know I can't go to AP English. Our school had class registrations and I get really anxious about AP classes and i know thier testing an thier grading scale. Since I got a C+ in my honors class, im scared i would get a C in lets say AP U.S History (which is the only AP class i can pretty much get into b/c i had a 85% in 1st semester an currently a 97% right now.) I am also scared it would affect my GPA because I already have 4 A's 1 B and 1 C. Something simple like U.S history can affect my GPA and would not look good to colleges if lets say i got a C in that class.
I always here word of the mouth about college at my school. Once again I have taken a honors class but not an AP. I am also scared that if i only take a certain number of AP classes, like 1, i may not be able to go to a good college not b/c of my GPA, its because i didnt take AP classes.
I DO want to go to a 4 year college, but i am a laid back person. Im not even sure If i want to take an AP class in US History. Too many people in my class say their taking APUSH (ap u.s history). This year they were taking AP World. However, most of the people i talked too about AP world said they got a C, which scares me a little. Very few people I talked too said they got a B, but those are like the kid who are "super smart". Im just "smart". I do not think I would survive a day in AP, but yet again i took a "honors class" which is almost like college level work i suppose. This is like one of those situations like "you think that you have everything for colleges, but there is ALWAYS one thing to be added to make your transcript look good for colleges" and it will have to always screw up your time!
My conclusion is I do not want to take an AP classes, I have already taken a honors class and I think that is enough "challenge" for me to experience. But then yet again, students, the internet, and College Board want to give you the flipside for everything! They say 'take an AP class! It will help you look good for college! And people who take AP classes are more destined for college than CP students (which i would be)". Okay lets say you take an AP class or Honors course and ended up getting a C like i did! Now what?!!?. The stupid sources like college board will say "oh its okay they will still give you credit". But colleges do not like C's! They want A's and B's! And now college board is saying im not going to a college all because i did not take a friggen AP course?!?!?
Screw College Board! I friggen hate it now all becuase they are saying im not going to college all becuase i didnt take a AP course. I took a honors course! I was destined in my mind to take 1 honors course. And i DID that already!
Please give me understandable advice if you know really well about college admissions. I am really confused and mad now! :(