You will enjoy the Phils they have a good laugh and although people take education very seriously they also have lots of time hanging out with their friends... will be a bit of a celebrity....because you probably have naturally lighter skin and hair and they all spend money and time to have your natural looks.....loads of friends....not so cliquey in Phils...
....the standard of education is good and the attitude means people want to learn and do well.... only need to speak English really...they will allow for the fact in your Tagalog class...or your Philippine History class....really everyone at your college will speak English...and because you speak it well ( unless you come from Essex...hahahaha ).. you will be popular....
....on the negative....the guys in Phils spend every waking hour sweet talking the get to take advantage of them....and anyone who tells you that isnt true is blind., yes, not my place to tell you, coz you are young....but you need to open your eyes...most charming guys in the world DONT go off with some guy alone here....the police are nothing in Phils and so as a result nothing is done you will hear a thousand stories about the girl falling crazy in love and the guy making fun....yes in UK it is also the same....but the guys in Phils will convince you....the normal age for girls to fall a victim is about 17....this is good take care....
but Phils is not dangerous....just need to take care...
...also, even though the education is good and fun and you will get a University has little value....certainly MORE value WITH a British Passport, but just go to SM Malls and ask the girls there working for 10,000 pesos a month what degree they have.....they have to have degrees to work in a mall....!!....nurses become do HRM you need to think about the value of the degree....and relate it to your future plans....
Weather....someone mentioned rains maybe 5 months a year....but it is never cold to British dont think about that...and you will be surrounded by super people, most of the time...and real people....very very close families and that is worth a's great to sit on the terrace waving to all the people while you are eating breakfast....don't happen in UK....hahaha...
Good and bad....but if your future plans dont rely heavily on you having a degree, like a wealthy family or something, then Phils is the choice....because it will be fun and different and probably what you are looking for.....and as your mum says....if these chose a good school for might let you get in touch with a country where a lot of the girls still have good ,morals....and trust me...that will make your life better....
By the way, did you know that you can get a Filipinas passport automatically from the Phils Embassy in London...coz your mum is Filipina,so you are automatically a Filipina AND you can keep your Briitsh passport...means you dont need a visa....even you travel alone....but if you travel there with your mum you get a 1 year Balikbayan with a Filipinas passport you can own or buy land
Take care whatever you decide.