2014-02-02 20:32:32 UTC
I'd kinda like to stay home, but I don't want to regret the missed opportunities, I understand one of my choices, SUNY Oswego, is a very good school for accounting, on the other hand, the one close to my home, SUNY IT, is not as great.
I just want to hear people who have either stayed home for schooling or went away to better schools, and how their life was after.
Society puts in your head the better the school the better you do in life, I just want to know how true that is.
I'd love to stay home, stay connected, continue working and saving money and save $15,000 on tuition if I should, I'd just like to know what type of handicap I would be at choosing the lesser school if I were to stay home.
On the other hand, how much better off I'd be if I went to a better school.
Sorry if I'm all over the place, I only have until May, please ask me any more information I will be happy to assist.