Boy, some people on here are touchy! Someone asked what I considered an academic question about selection standards for Yale & Harvard, but his/her question contained a 2nd-3rd grade level grammar error with egregious subject verb disagreement. The question pertained to whether these schools would accept students from public schools or only private academies. How was pointing out that grammar that poor would put someone at a disadvantage for getting accepted to an Ivy League school? I would think I would be doing them a favor by either getting them motivated to get what they needed on their own or at least keeping them from getting their hopes up! I don't expect my kids to get accepted there either (and couldn't afford it if they did) but they do know how to speak proper English with their public school educations, and I expect they will go on to live successful lives without the Ivy League diploma. But since when it is an insult to try and help someone learn to do better?