Hi Coco,
I have three suggestions:
1) Go visit your local Volunteer Service and ask to see a service officer or make an appointment to speak with one. When you attend your appointment, be upfront as you have been in your letter above and the volunteer service person should be able to help you in a 'volunteer position' that will give you an insight about the requirements of that type of work. Volunteering is like 'shadowing' an experienced job worker. See # 2 below.
2) Go walkabout in any large shopping mall and when you see a person engaged in a profession that takes your interest - go talk with that person. Have a prepared list of questions such as: What attracted yo to this type of work? What do you enjoy most/least about your work? Is there on-the-job- training? Ask about getting work-experience = shadowing someone so that you observe and learn what the job entails. The advantage of work-experience is that you get to sample and experience what the job is all about and if you like the work, then you may be offered gainful employment or at least you will know the type of work you would like to try out.
3) Purchase a copy of a book titled - What Color is Your Parachute - an American publication covering Job Search and Career Change. It is revised November each year and it is better to purchase a copy than borrow one from your local library, because you will continually dip into it and there are many exercises to complete.
One sure fired way to find gainful employment is to target any company that you would like to work for by way of a Speculative Job Application. Why? Because advertised vacancies attract a great number of applicants, whereas, a speculative job application is like walking into an office and saying - "Here I am, I'm ready to work." You will be the only applicant.
Your local library will have books such as: How to write a resume, How to write a Cover Letter. You could of course have a Professionally prepared Resume and Cover Letter.
Very best wishes for your career.