It all depends on the college.
What's college life like?
I love college. It's great having all of your friends living down the hall or a short walk away. You finally get to decide what direction to take your education in. Not a huge fan of history? Some colleges won't make you take history if you're in certain majors or you can take specialized history classes that may (e.g. art history).
What's it like rooming with someone?
Do you get to pick what kind of person you want to room with?
Some colleges let you pick others don't. Most now have surveys to determine what type of person you'll room with even if it's "random." Sometimes roommates are best friends, other times, they are just someone you live with. It's not a big deal, you really get used to it. If you have problems you can talk to your residence assistant (RA) and they can generally have you moved or work something out to make life easier.
How are the teachers like?
Professors vary greatly. Some are more into research, while others are there to teach. You can talk to current students to get an idea of who to take and who to avoid. Most, if not all, professors are leaders in their fields and are willing to help you of you're lost.
Is there a lot of drama like in high school?
It depends on who you hang out with and on the size of your school. Some people need the high school drama and will bring it with them. Others are just as eager to finally escape it. Some high school stereotypes are gone, while new college ones rise up. It isn't as much of a popularity contest as high school.
Do your research. Sites like, guidance councilors, and students at the colleges that your looking at are great places to start. Ask a lot of questions. If it seems stupid (Can I bring a George Foreman grill, how big are the rooms, hows the food, how many people are in Greek life, what are required courses outside of my major), still ask it. You can find the perfect college if you look. Then you can take your educationin whatever direction you want to.