2012-06-22 14:10:45 UTC
Biology - a
physics - b
maths -a /b
business - a & a*
RE - a
History - a
English lit - a
English Lang - a
German - b
French -b
So in total that's 1 A*, 7/8 A's and 3/4 B's. I haven't actually got my results yet this is just what I think I am going to get. I don't think I will get lower than this, but I may get higher? I do other stuff as well like D of E, scouts, CCF and when I go to sixth form I am planning on joining societies like debating for my CV. I have also done a little bit of work experience at a GP's and loved every minute of it! I also have a job at a veternairy surgery and have done for about 2/3 years now. Looking at requirements, student forums and other things and at other peoples GCSE results for medicine, I don't think I am clever enough to get in to university so I am looking at maybe law now?
I am taking Biology, Chemistry, English lit, history and maybe physics (if I get the grade - I need an A and don't think I am going to get it) for A levels, so will medicine still consider me with these and will Law still consider me with these? I am trying to keep my options open, but would it be best to be more specialised and devoted to one carer option? I know for medicine they look for commitment and not keeping options open but I just don't know whether they will even look at me with my GCSE grades.
Thank you so much for any help or advice you can give me! In desperate need of it!