2009-12-18 11:11:20 UTC
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?
now, i was also given a certain amount of words i was allowed to use (roughly 500). So i'm done for this part. only, i don't think i've done such a good job. Can someone read over this and tell me if it's a good one or not? i don't expect someone to lie and say "wow, this is certain to get you into any college," because that's not all they'll look at. but i need to know if this is good or not. so anyhow, here's what i've written:
Looking back on my life, I find that my most important quality is my determination. It has gotten me through a number of struggles at times where the situation seemed hopeless. The most recent example of in my life was graduating high school at the early age of sixteen. I skipped first and third grade and that gave me a headstart in school. But in the middle two years of high school my grades began to suffer due to troubles at home and the fact that I just stopped caring.
Nothing in my life was going how I wanted it to go, and I felt to try was pointless. I don't know why it didn't seem to matter how hard I tried things just wouldn't work out for me. And so when I had homework I wouldn't do it, or I'd procrastinate and end up getting poor grades because of it. I would do well on the tests, but without the homework, it didn't help me get the grades I should have. My mother would try over and over to get me to do what I needed to so I could graduate on time. But it didn't even matter to me, nothing did at the time.
Finally, at the end of junior year I decided that school was for me and that after having all the troubles and misery in my past I deserved happiness in my future. I signed up for summer school to make up for the classes I'd failed and decided to take extra classes senior year to meet all my graduation requirements. I still felt as if everything was somehow a scheme to keep me down, as if no one wanted me to succeed. Even so, I'd already made up my mind that if I wanted success I would have to take it from whoever tried to keep me from it.
I did everything I could t keep my grades up and clean up the mess I'd made in the previous two years. When things got hard and I felt like quiting again, I had to remember that I was doing it all for me. I kept telling myself that the greater the struggle, the greater the reward for it. And I was rewarded for my determination in the end; May 19th 2009 I became the youngest person in my family to graduate.
But high school was certainly not the end of my journey. At my graduation party, I great friend of mine told me “chase your dreams, live your life, and be happy, no matter what obstacles stand in your way.” Those words have stuck in my head ever since, and I will follow them until the day I die. I have many dreams to chase and my determination will be the fuel for the fire I need to burn a path to my dreams. With hope and determination I can put my other abilities to good use. Because it doesn't matter how smart you are, how quickly you can learn, or how much work you can do unless you have the determination to make use of those abilities. I'm making an effort to succeed and I won't rest until I do.