2011-04-25 17:25:09 UTC
The details:
-I am re-taking a class I previously passed in order to get a better grade in it--the class and the grade I receive in it are vital toward my acceptance into graduate school
-My professor this semester is different than the professor I originally took the class with
-The first time I took the class, I was given the SAME prompt as the one I was given in the class I am currently re-taking
-The prompt allows you to choose your own topic, so each student's topic will be considerably unique--you just have to follow guidelines in the prompt
-The paper I submitted the first time I took the class is entirely my own idea
Question: If I revised the paper I submitted when I first took the class, and then turned in the revised paper in for the same asignment, in the same class, but with a different professor, is that considered plagiarism?
If it is, then wouldn't me re-taking the class be considered as cheating as well? Re-taking the class is well within the school guidelines.
I know some schools have a problem with students submitting the EXACT SAME paper in two different classes. But, this would be a revised version of an old paper I submitted when I first took the SAME class I am re-aking now, but with a different professor.